Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The poor get theirs in ways of which we disapprove : consider nineteenth-century attitudes to working-class drinking .
2 In this respect my position will amount to thinking that there are intrinsically prescriptive features to reality , but this will not be done by blurring the distinction between judgements about how the world is characterised and the ways in which we respond to it , as with McDowell .
3 The manner in which one says or writes things , those public and therefore never totally adequate ways in which we seek to express our private or inner emotions , always has an implicit as well as an explicit content .
4 Whether they 're the citizens ' charter , whether they are response to people from the press or from the public or constantly ringing in to the switchboard , or whether it 's by all the other ways in which we disseminate information .
5 There is greater awareness amongst those who work with and for the elderly of the ways in which we manufacture social and economic dependency .
6 We might at least be fair about the ways in which we account for pupils ' behaviour .
7 In so doing they begin the process of explaining a phenomenon , reducing it to intelligibility ; of course , that process entails a closing of options , a setting of limits to reality , since understanding is one of the ways in which we control and circumscribe our environment .
8 For example , topic work with time as its theme could offer scope for looking at ways in which we measure time , and would have many cross-curricular possibilities ( see Boxes 2 and 3 ) .
9 His strength of character was invaluable in dealing with the guards and his commitment to his fellow hostages was such that he would listen quietly and matter of factly on the occasions when we all had a heart-to-heart about the little ways in which we got on each others ' nerves .
10 Such episodes may , of course , be confused as passing acknowledgements , but the readiness to exchange such signals is one of the ways in which we register the normality of the passing scene and it is when we encounter consistent anomalies in the broadcast that we begin to suspect and perhaps report something odd .
11 A. There are many obvious ways in which we use energy , or fuel .
12 Erm , totally missing , really is the voice quality , which is a , one of the main ways in which we judge somebody 's character , is n't it ?
13 We have reviewed the quota , as we have reviewed the range of ways in which we help disabled people into work , and we have decided to keep the quota under review , but the right hon. Gentleman knows of the difficulties in enforcing it .
14 For if , as ordinary people , we are acutely aware that when it most matters the words we say are not thunderbolts from heaven but hostages to fortune , ways in which we reveal ourselves in our limitedness and imperfection .
15 The ways in which we communicate in face-to-face interaction can be summarised like this :
16 The ways in which we say things convey as much as what we say .
17 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
18 Work on women can not simply be added on to existing , flawed bodies of thought but requires a revolution in the ways in which we think about men as well as women , about work as well as the family , about political and public as well as private issues .
19 First , it applies to the ways in which we study the brain .
20 The beatitudes are counter-cultural , because they correct and challenge the ways in which we understand happiness .
21 They are to be used and shared with other people , and that 's how one of the ways in which we live a Christian life .
22 If we look at the ways in which we handle daily tasks , we shall probably find a strong ritual element there , and that a fair proportion of the setting-to-rights we do is as much for our personal well-being as from physical necessity .
23 Erm and that 's I suppose was the point I was trying to make earlier that al that 's why abusers sometimes find it very easy because they 're able to tap into a lot of the ways in which we treat children um y'know so er
24 It is more a general feeling that the ways in which we work and consume , trade and invest , obtain our salaries , wages or profits , own property and have entitlements to welfare , are all changing dramatically .
25 In fact , the defences and addictive attitudes described in the first chapter only illustrate the false ways in which we deal with ourselves .
26 Right , now if we look on , erm we come to Regional Action Networks , another reason why Amnesty seems not to allocate more than one prisoner and all now is that they have expanded the ways in which we deal with prisoners and the world is more or less been divided up into areas , erm , of smaller regions and groups are asked to choose one or two regions to deal with particularly and we , we have for quite a long time now erm been concerned with Southern Africa and Central America and we get information through on prisoners and what 's happening in those two regions , so John do you have anything else on Africa at all ?
27 in Ludlow , we 've to the er , the Whitchurch initiative , there 's something going on in , in Lud in Ludlow at present which is particularly education , social service linked at , but at the end of the day that 's also about jobs , two jobs of training , and perhaps one of the ways in which we solve er , land issues erm , and , and of course Craven Arms is now , is now coming up in each profile as needing something done , and I 'm also being approached about the East Water Block Coking where there are particular problems in those areas .
28 Thus the ways in which we interpret and come to terms with these unpalatable facts of life reveal our deepest and most cherished cultural assumptions .
29 It is one of the ways in which we ensure that , so far as possible , people are better off in work than out of work .
30 Section 3 discusses ways in which we validate our model using theory consistency checks and a statistical diagnostic test .
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