Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 From the 11th century , such events had been popular for about 500 years but over the centuries there had been great changes to the ways in which they had been conducted .
2 In collecting biographical material fans were asked to give accounts of the ways in which they had come to their present position in the terraces and to indicate on a sketch plan of the London Road End , past , and projected future locations .
3 He recalled other ways in which she had led him on ; the snowy mittened fingers laid on his arm during their walks , the occasional side-glance as if to show that he did not displease her , her endurance , to say the least , of his company .
4 He turned his attention mainly to the northern forests , however ; he examined the local juries as to the way in which they had been kept , and held Forest Eyres in all the northern Forest counties .
5 The exact way in which they had failed to comply with the regulations is unclear ; a representative of the Education Authority told me that the school has re-opened on a ‘ technicality ’ , because the School Council had not been consulted before the closure ; people in Village told me that the Education Authority had not consulted anyone in the community before-hand , a bigger breach of the regulations .
6 The movies had created a false world and what was taken as the ultimate proof of that was the way in which they had failed to deal directly with real Americans and their dilemmas .
7 Warner Bros had once again profitably combined instruction and entertainment but as was so often the case it was the way in which they had used an actor that made the movie work in both respects .
8 Written documents could be and were easily forged whereas seals , crosses , medallions etc. were , in the way in which they had been developed and used in pre-Norman Britain , distinctive individual objects , which were less easily forged , more identifiable and more obviously linked to particular individuals .
9 Five bishops during the course of 1326 suffered such confiscation ; four were under similar threat for the way in which they had earlier filled their royal offices .
10 The financial rationale of the great companies had been the way in which they had enabled a generation of investors , most of whom were substantial , to become merchants by proxy .
11 Union members had turned out in such numbers because they were angry at the way in which they had to deliver services to the public without adequate resources .
12 A total of 350 visitors ( 97% of all respondents ) replied to question asking them about the way in which they had come to hear of the Library 's exhibitions .
13 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
14 He was aware of her superiority , of the way in which she had stood by herself , not seeking out the company .
15 The way in which she had dispatched her attacker would certainly make news .
16 A past President of the National Consumer Credit Federation reported the way in which he had once been collecting himself , and in one building found his way blocked by three tearaways playing threateningly with knives .
17 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
18 Despite the cool way in which he had always spoken to her she had thought him different from other men .
19 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
20 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
21 ‘ It was only much later , when it was too late to change anything , that I glimpsed the possibility that this may have been one small way in which I had a slight advantage over Gittel .
22 Because another way in which I had to throw good money after bad was that after he died once I started having things done in the house they kept on turning up things that he had done that were absolutely N B G
23 Published in 1977 , by the Department of Education and Science the document suggested that the work of schools needed to be analysed in a ‘ quantitative ’ form as well as in the ‘ subjective and qualitative ’ way in which it had been measured hitherto .
24 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
25 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
26 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
27 The Committee gave British Rail a ferocious roasting over the way in which it had introduced the Bill and prosecuted its case .
28 I am grateful for this opportunity to clarify any uncertainty that may have resulted from this case , the specific circumstances which lay behind it and the way in which it had to be decided .
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