Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 Here we shall be looking rather more closely at changes within the state system itself , considering ways in which it has been restructured or , perhaps more accurately , was restructuring itself , in response to crisis .
2 By investigating the ways in which it has been used to explain particular phenomena , I shall aim to provide a more detailed account of absolute holism , as I shall call it , and of the mode of explanation it embodies .
3 List of the ways in which he has altered me .
4 There can be no doubt that Linda Nochlin has played an important role in making feminist interests and priorities visible ; this collection shows some of the ways in which she has brought these issues to the surface over the last twenty years .
5 The only way in which she has made any reference to what happened during the night has been in the form of two pictures .
6 Sussex teachers thank Marjorie especially for the way in which she has always helped and stood by them , from their years of training onwards .
7 ‘ Perhaps Martin Edwards will admit that he has made a mistake selling to the person he has done and the way in which he has sold it .
8 Augustine recognizes that his desire for God is part of the way in which he has been made .
9 In order to encourage your child to act in a way in which he has seldom or never before behaved , take your child through mini-steps towards a goal by rewarding any action that approximates the behaviour you want .
10 Give thanks to the Lord for the way in which He has led Gary .
11 He knows that he has deliberately raised unnecessary alarm among many thousands of pensioners by the way in which he has presented the matter .
12 Will my right hon. Friend convey to the Governor of Hong Kong my congratulations and those of the House on the skilful and successful way in which he has conducted the affairs of Hong Kong in difficult circumstances for the past five years ?
13 Not only am I happy to join my hon. Friend in congratulating that successful exporter , but I congratulate my hon. Friend on the energetic and effective way in which he has supported Beloit Walmsley in winning those contracts .
14 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
15 As for my right hon. Friend 's personal position , may I express my admiration for the frank and manly way in which he has offered his resignation ?
16 On the way in which he has assessed n not the points scoring but the the assess er er assessed the various sectors although he has erm given a extra scoring to two sectors , the A sixty four south and also the Harrogate sector .
17 Understandably , the courts are more willing to review a decision because of the way in which it has been reached than because of its actual merits , or lack of them .
18 For what Corigliano tackles head-on , and with an unashamed emotionalism , is the huge subject of the Aids crisis and the searing way in which it has impinged directly on his own life .
19 The presumptuous way in which it has laid claim to the English rose as representing the party is indicative of its misplaced self-assurance that the people of ‘ our country ’ , as they repeatedly refer to England , wish to be governed by Labour as much as it wishes to govern us — an illusion emphatically dispelled last week .
20 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
21 Equally , if the mouse was a pest and we are pleased to see the end of it , we do not praise the cat for the saintly way in which it has fulfilled its duty to its household .
22 A further distinguishing feature of the Duval-Leroy is the way in which it has its feet firmly planted in the vineyards rather than in the cities of Reims or Épernay .
23 Its parallel body , the Emerging Issues Task Force , is notable for the way in which it has taken anticipatory action in time to head off expected abuses .
24 Despite the hype , Switchboard is very special ; not because of its size , or its range , or its particular achievements but because of the way in which it has endured and grown and responded to a perceived constituency .
25 Drawing on a notion of autonomy which originates with Kant , and which is developed in the writings of Hegel and Marx , Assiter extends this notion and criticises the way in which it has been confined to the public sphere .
26 It is because of this historical dimension to the religion that those arguing ( for example ) for the ordination of women apparently find it so difficult to say , in the way in which it has been possible to maintain in the sphere of politics , that we hold these truths to be self-evident , that all human beings are created equal and must not be discriminated against .
27 Their provision has , in any case , varied considerably between different parts of the country , and , because of the precise way in which it has been implemented , the Act has done little to increase the opportunities for rural recreation among the more deprived sections of the urban population .
28 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
29 It should be clear by now that this is n't the fault of desktop publishing , merely of the way in which it has been implemented .
30 Hall ( 1988 ) , in particular , has argued that the power of that brand of New-Right Conservatism known as Thatcherism consists largely of the skilful way in which it has disconnected a number of themes — self-help , anti-statism , public order , anti-trade unionism , nationalism , share ownership — from the basically bourgeois discourse in which they have been traditionally lodged .
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