Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 They share similar landscapes and they share a similar history of ways in which they have worked to make a living .
2 The indigo birds and whydahs of Africa are brood parasites just like the European cuckoo , but there are some interesting differences in the ways in which they have adapted to a parasitic lifestyle .
3 Key ways in which they have worked to lower costs are in reducing the prescribing rate ( which is often high in poorer areas ) ; increasing generic prescribing by informing people of the savings , addressing concerns , and , in the west midlands , offering laboratory analysis if patients believe there to be a difference in symptom control ; and providing draft formularies and guidance on their management .
4 Thus , the respective roles of the state , labour and different types of capital ( such as large industrial enterprises , other enterprises and financial institutions ) can be distinguished , and the ways in which they have interacted to produce recent economic changes can be analysed .
5 A Tory economic strategy which rests on Sunday shopping , cable television and fun parks rests on people behaving in ways in which they have 110 need to at all .
6 Other people could probably tell their own tale about the impact it 's having on the way in which they have to work and the ways in which they have to respond .
7 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
8 As we have attempted in our previous books on further education succinctly to summarize the chief characteristics of the polytechnics , we intend therefore to restrict ourselves to a discussion of the ways in which they have developed in the three years since the first edition of this book was written .
9 This research will focus on the process of professionalisation among lay practitioners in Britain , examining the ways in which they have organised themselves into associations , attempted to increase their security and status , defined and enforced standards of conduct and training , and ( in some cases ) sought recognition by the state .
10 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
11 I am grateful to you for your prayers , fellowship , cards , letters , flowers and the many practical ways in which you have surrounded me with God 's love .
12 Although I do not have a magic wand , I hope to be able to establish some means of providing the physical back-up that you would like to receive from the Society and to start the ball rolling I am compiling a list of all the ways in which you have been supported or would like to have been supported , in the past plus suggestions for the future .
13 The chapters that follow seek to outline the ways in which I have pursued and developed my own management skills , and the lessons that I have learnt on the way .
14 Will he confirm that in every year and for every authority recently in Greater Manchester , the amount of money that the Government have allowed them to spend on capital projects has been way behind what they have needed , with the result that there is now a backlog of repairs and maintenance ?
15 ‘ I believe that if the Institute were to make one of its inspections , it would not find anything to give them cause for concern over the way in which we have conducted our professional work , ’ Ms Harris says .
16 Although this is a practical proposal , the way in which we have described it is not free from idealised elements .
17 That is the right way to help people , it is the right way to achieve long-term prosperity for this country and it is the way in which we have been developing our policies .
18 When they also understand that housing costs play a proportionately lower part in pensioners ' expenditure in England than in the rest of Europe , they may be grateful for the way in which we have promoted home ownership .
19 Proposed changes to the way in which we have traditionally served our members .
20 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
21 Thank the Lord for the way in which they have settled into their new life in Brazil .
22 This is the disastrous way in which they have trivialized the rich complexity of black life by reducing it to nothing more than a response to racism .
23 Other people could probably tell their own tale about the impact it 's having on the way in which they have to work and the ways in which they have to respond .
24 Individual colleges and institutes vary both according to the proportion of advanced work which they provide and also the types of courses which they offer , depending partly on the nature of the institutions which went to make them up and partly on the way in which they have developed in the past few years .
25 Will my hon. Friend congratulate Trafford area health authority and everyone involved in the hospitals there on the excellent job that they are doing and especially on the way in which they have brought down waiting lists ?
26 That is why I particularly welcome the enthusiastic way in which they have embraced the patients charter and the accompanying document on internal management in the health service , ’ Framework for Action ’ .
27 They may not always have turned up with what teachers would have wished , but I am sure that there has been a great acceptance of the way in which they have carried out a very difficult task .
28 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
29 It will examine the way in which they have developed in , for example the National Health Service , Water Authorities and the Social Security system .
30 Assume an investor is confronted by the choice of investing in one of two companies which are identical in every respect except for the way in which they have been financed .
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