Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The poor get theirs in ways of which we disapprove : consider nineteenth-century attitudes to working-class drinking .
2 This may be unsatisfactory given the many different types and forms of treaty , and the diverse ways in which they impact upon third parties .
3 The result is that little attention is given to people 's own experience and understandings of these processes and the fact that such understandings in turn lead to ways in which they attempt to improve their circumstances within the constraints and opportunities with which they are faced .
4 Nineteenth-century linguistics was mainly interested in the ways in which languages change across the ages ; modern ‘ structural ’ linguistics prefers , in contrast , to concentrate on the ways in which they function for purposes of communication .
5 Animals are no strangers to ‘ technology ’ and some of the ways in which they use it are surprising as well as being remarkably sophisticated .
6 But the ways people can best deal with their own stress are as varied as the ways in which they express it .
7 We can best understand the nature of societies and the ways in which they change by investigating the relations between practices .
8 The practice of editors varies substantially , and these points are intended to suggest that some simple changes could improve the ways in which they communicate about the process and their decisions .
9 Language is only one of the ways in which they communicate and , certainly at the beginning of the novel , not the most important .
10 This project aims to explore what teachers implementing the programmes assume about the way children learn , how they interpret the differences among their pupils ( in the new atmosphere which emphasises ‘ attainment targets ’ ) and the ways in which they cater for those differences .
11 an exhibition structured around concepts of ‘ memory ’ in the context of the 20th Century Gallery might raise some interesting questions about processes of selection by addressing not only what museum collections enable us to ‘ remember ’ but also the ways in which they facilitate ‘ forgetting ’ .
12 Perhaps the key way to establish a connection between the concerns of conventional Marxist urban and regional sociology and the concepts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 is to concentrate on typical forms of social mobility ; the ways in which they relate to spatial mobility and moral careers .
13 They are , therefore , not required by law to have governing bodies although some LEAs , including Berkshire , established such bodies some years ago and have subsequently applied most of the requirements of legislation to the ways in which they conduct their affairs .
14 We have been able to explore , through what they told us , the many different ways in which they respond to this challenge .
15 Families of different kinds , for example those in which the mother does or does not work outside the home , are compared in terms of the ways in which they respond to the unpredictable , but inevitable , occurrence of these episodes of childhood illness .
16 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
17 They share similar landscapes and they share a similar history of ways in which they have worked to make a living .
18 The indigo birds and whydahs of Africa are brood parasites just like the European cuckoo , but there are some interesting differences in the ways in which they have adapted to a parasitic lifestyle .
19 Key ways in which they have worked to lower costs are in reducing the prescribing rate ( which is often high in poorer areas ) ; increasing generic prescribing by informing people of the savings , addressing concerns , and , in the west midlands , offering laboratory analysis if patients believe there to be a difference in symptom control ; and providing draft formularies and guidance on their management .
20 Thus , the respective roles of the state , labour and different types of capital ( such as large industrial enterprises , other enterprises and financial institutions ) can be distinguished , and the ways in which they have interacted to produce recent economic changes can be analysed .
21 A Tory economic strategy which rests on Sunday shopping , cable television and fun parks rests on people behaving in ways in which they have 110 need to at all .
22 Other people could probably tell their own tale about the impact it 's having on the way in which they have to work and the ways in which they have to respond .
23 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
24 As we have attempted in our previous books on further education succinctly to summarize the chief characteristics of the polytechnics , we intend therefore to restrict ourselves to a discussion of the ways in which they have developed in the three years since the first edition of this book was written .
25 This research will focus on the process of professionalisation among lay practitioners in Britain , examining the ways in which they have organised themselves into associations , attempted to increase their security and status , defined and enforced standards of conduct and training , and ( in some cases ) sought recognition by the state .
26 The aim of the game being to find out ways in which they do things better than you do rather than the other way around .
27 A more positive view of women readers has been suggested by , for instance , analysing what girls say about their reading ( Frazer 1987 ) , or by examining the ways in which they incorporate its models into their own writing .
28 Relationships with that partner may be judged successful or otherwise according to the ways in which they duplicate , replace or compensate for parental relationships .
29 By studying the differences and the ways in which they arise we can arrive at an understanding of how language relates to gender .
30 Gradually they hope to strip away the disguises and help both partners to understand themselves and each other better and recognize the ways in which they interact .
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