Example sentences of "way [prep] [verb] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 I believe that the timetable that we are proposing offers a sensible and balanced way of achieving all the different objectives , including the legitimate desire of the House to consider the Bill fully , and I commend it to the House .
2 We believe that what is needed is a systematic way of evaluating both the positive contribution made by the presence of an airfield as well as the adverse impact involved .
3 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
4 Kureishi is unrepentant about at least one of the novel 's structural crudities : ‘ I like writing about group sex , ’ he explains , ‘ because it is a good way of getting all the characters together . ’
5 ‘ I like writing about group sex — it 's a good way of getting all the characters together ’
6 Whole group drama is best seen as an organisational strategy , a way of organising all the small group and individual work which takes place within a unifying fictional context .
7 Not only does the boy ‘ wear ’ the appropriate external features , he uses words to enhance his simulations : ‘ I am so happy ’ is his way of making sure the observers get the message !
8 Meanwhile , we must return to the point where we introduced rationality as a Weberian way of making precise the concept of meaning .
9 It was further agreed that their structure , and the basis on which we conducted them , was a sensible way of covering all the questions which are at issue .
10 A graph structure was chosen as an efficient way of storing all the candidate letters , after Whitrow and Higgins ( 1987 ) .
11 Huntington 's argument goes a long way to making clear the disappointment a reader experiences if he approaches the Wellsian SF novels in chronological order .
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