Example sentences of "may have [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Geoffrey Coombs wrote the letter after discovering that his school may have to lose a teacher if planned cuts to the education budget go ahead .
2 If they cause very high casualties the enemy units may have to take a panic test in the same way as for missile casualties .
3 Much time can be spent negotiating for fees , and in the end the various advisers may have to take a risk that their fees may be irrecoverable if the buy-out does not take place .
4 So she would have to she was to given up her career in acting , she may have to take a view and give up singing totally for a while .
5 But it may have to do a lot more than talk .
6 I may have to spend a lot of my time in Scotland now — perhaps even look for a Scottish constituency — and your work is in London . ’
7 On the other hand , people whose words are not answered may have to spend a lifetime screaming for what they want or need , convinced that only if they demand loudly , cajole , beg , bully or threaten , will they obtain what they want .
8 Although the plant will have the capability to make it , low-calorie frozen yogurt — that most decadent of Western desserts — may have to wait a while .
9 CHRIS Patten may have to wait a year or two before he returns to the Commons .
10 But erm on the other hand we do actually have empty spaces in our old people 's homes , so whilst you will have people who may have to move a bit , we 're not actually reducing the number of occupied beds in the whole old person 's home sector
11 We may have to sound a warning note of challenge as well as minister a word of comfort .
12 This problem is not confined to night-workers , but also affects those on early shift ( 6 am. to 2 p.m. ) who may have to allow an hour to get to work .
13 But Sun will have to eat its words and may have to declare a product like its News windowing system dead .
14 1.27 In any case involving serious and lasting injury , the plaintiff 's solicitors may have to instruct an accountant to calculate past and future pecuniary loss .
15 We have said that we recognise that high energy prices may have to play a part in a strategy for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
16 The government may have to offer a subsidy , or tax relief , to cable operators and subscribers willing to invest in the most adaptable system .
17 I may have to learn a notion of proof different from that to which I am accustomed .
18 For instance , departure timings may change , a hotel may close down or overbook , we may have to amend an itinerary , or sales of that holiday may not reach a level which would be economical for us to operate .
19 ‘ Since most experts seem to preclude a major upturn in energy prices before the end of the century , we may have to develop a combination of policies and taxes to stimulate the market for improvements in efficiency now as insurance against disruptions from climate change later . ’
20 With larger motors , however , the power supply may have to have a capacity of several kilowatts if the system is to operate over a satisfactory speed range .
21 In addition , in either case , the patient may have to make a payment at the point of receipt of service . [ … ]
22 ‘ He 's circling again but if the undercarriage fails it looks as if he may have to make a crash landing .
23 None the less , the state may have to pay a price to get its own way .
24 Under the authorship of one of the Institute 's latest recruits , public transport travel consultant Barry S. Doe MCIT , ‘ Tickets , Trains and Timetables : The Impact of Privatisation on the Rail Network ’ warns that the country is in danger of ending up with an airline style ticketing system in which passengers wishing to travel outwards on one franchisee 's train but return home on another 's may have to pay a supplement up to the value of the full ‘ standard ’ fare .
25 Sally Hibberd says it 's a tough race and she may have to run a lot today
26 Traditional sixth form education may still exist in some comprehensive schools — the 11–18 range — but you may have to find a place for your child in a FE ( Further Education ) establishment .
27 Few alternative therapies are available on the NHS , so you may have to find a practitioner yourself — and not everyone who practises complementary medicine is adequately trained .
28 We may have to work a bit on Europe after a recent P.G.A .
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