Example sentences of "may not [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
2 First of all , the total amount of damages imposed under ns.20A(a) may not exceed the profit gained or the loss avoided in the transaction(s) in question .
3 Answer guide : In this case the future benefit to be obtained is difficult to judge and may not exceed the rental .
4 Thus , if we operate on traditional assumptions about the nature of law we are left with a political strategy in relation to international law which assumes either that law is effective ( by definition ) or that it is potentially effective ( so that while it may not deserve the name ‘ law ’ it is at least potentially deserving of that description ) .
5 Such indications that young people may not view the CAB as being in touch with their attitudes and problems has prompted many bureaux to devise special outreach projects .
6 If this happens , the student may not form the habit of checking the situation after every turn and of making his own decision about when to turn back .
7 Although the players may not welcome the switch it should prove an attractive proposition for spectators and one which will almost certainly lead to increased television coverage for the women 's game .
8 As in so many other matters , the judge should be given the discretion to tell the press that they may not publicise the name of a person , because to do so would be in contempt of court .
9 Once set up , you may not change the value given to LIFESPAN as the Storage Directory for a particular Charge Code .
10 Alas , Mr Shevardnadze speaks almost no English or French and may not want the job .
11 To have committed the heresy of being uncommitted to the right political dogma — or worse still being a political atheist may not mean the death penalty , but it sure is a heinous crime in the times we live in .
12 Although such fractures may not reach the surface , their effect is to reduce the pressure of incoming magma from magmastatic towards atmospheric .
13 A goal may or may not be scored ; the abbot may or may not admit the refugee from justice .
14 Garrison Savannah who almost won the National two years ago appears to have returned to his old form if you take his Gold Cup run on board for he was always in touch before blundering and losing his chance late in the race , but he may not stay the trip as happened two years ago when he was beaten by Seagram .
15 Consequently , recognition systems may not show the speed , adaptability and flexibility of the human system until they do .
16 They may not stop the wife 's contribution to the household economy .
17 There is an immediate paradox here though : attempted murder may not involve the infliction of any harm at all , since a person who shoots at another and misses may still be held guilty of attempted murder .
18 Old people who are not in frequent contact with younger people may lose confidence in their ability to give as well as to receive : Younger people , anxious to please , to give and , often , ‘ not to worry mother ’ may not realise the part which they play in creating a one-way traffic .
19 You may not think the end result worth it , but there are an awful lot of balls to be kept in the air and some fairly nasty consequences if any should accidentally hit the ground .
20 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
21 JOHN GLENDINNING explains why life offices may not return the value of a pension fund if the policyholder dies before retiring
22 There are numerous difficulties in making an historical study which depends entirely on written evidence , which may not represent the experience of the mass of children , and is at best a distillation of the views of the literate classes .
23 If the patient is shocked post-operatively , peripheral constriction makes the skin feel cold to the touch and the temperature recorded in the axilla may not represent the core temperature — post-operative recordings are more accurate if taken in the mouth .
24 While evangelism may not represent the totality of mission , it rests at its heart .
25 There are lesser seas which must also be included , in particular the fifteen around the islands of the East Indian archipelago : the Sulu , Celebes and Molucca Seas , the Gulf of Tomini , the Halmahera , Ceram , Banda , Arafura ( which may or may not contain the Gulf of Carpentaria , depending on which atlas is used ) , Timor and Flores Seas , the Gulf of Boni , the Bali Sea , the Makassar Strait , the Java and Savu Seas ; and there is the Gulf of Thailand , the Strait of Malacca , the Singapore Strait and the Inland Sea of Japan .
26 Before the elections of 1964 , 1966 , and 1970 , real personal disposable income was rising at more than double its normal rate of growth — so supporting the political business cycle thesis , but Alt suggests that these " short pre-election spurts may not do the government of the day all that much good , and there is no evidence that they do ( at least if short-term enough ) the economy any particular harm " .
27 Officials in charge of the roads in California and Texas say the material , called epoflex , is difficult to apply and may not do the job intended .
28 National states simply may not possess the will or power to ‘ knock the stuffing ’ out of the worst corporate offenders .
29 Where the third party act is negligent , it may or may not break the chain of causation .
30 It is , nevertheless , submitted that the Court may not review the outcome of that consideration except in the circumstances outlined above .
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