Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Let us pray that we may be granted the wisdom necessary to discern the values of the new culture created by the mass media , and to use the opportunities offered by modern communications technology always for the service of God and the good of his people .
2 Children may be denied the possibility of such abuse being detected .
3 The two most important catchphrases , certainly by the 1890s , were the ‘ law of evolution ’ and what may be called the spirit of organization .
4 You will be concerned with what may be called the degree of pruning : do you prune hard , ruthlessly to ground level , or not so drastically ?
5 As Gombrich points out : ‘ the experience of the underlying constancies in a person 's face which is so strong as to survive all the transformations of mood and age and even to leap across generations , conflicts with the strange fact that such recognition can be inhibited with comparative ease by what may be called the mask ’ .
6 When demand and supply are in equilibrium , the amount of the commodity which is being produced in a unit of time may be called the equilibrium-amount , and the price at which it is being sold may be called the equilibrium-price .
7 The need for a third dimension arises most obviously from what may be called the problem of philosophy .
8 These distinctions , highlighted in Fig. 1 , may be called the dualisms of normativism and occupy a central place in normativist thought .
9 This may be called the Principle of the Relative Independence of Sedimentation and Subsidence .
10 This may be called the Principle of the Golden Spike .
11 The division of work would be that Scott would have ‘ ( subject to its conformity with internal arrangements ) the general command of the external design , and Wyatt would have ‘ the more especial direction of the interior ’ , except that they should work jointly on certain interiors ‘ of a more public nature such as public halls staircases corridors and what may be called the state apartments ’ .
12 What ‘ the state ’ stands for is a number of particular institutions which , together , constitute its reality , and which interact as parts of what may be called the state system .
13 The two sides may be called the Goths and the Greeks , and while the Goths won the war , the Greeks took quite a few battle honours .
14 ( There is no accepted name for the latter , but it may be called the casus male inclusus ) .
15 This inner ode may be called the kernel mode , in which case the intermediate ode is called the supervisor mode .
16 Such , too , was the theme that intensified in their fiction towards middle age , which may be called the agony of a lost Eden .
17 There is a catastrophic ‘ implosion ’ , which may be called the opposite of an explosion , followed by a shock-wave which literally blows the star apart in what is called a supernova outburst .
18 This may be called the Phenomenon of the Persistence of Facies .
19 This may be called the Phenomenon of the Gap Being More Important than the Record .
20 This may be called the Phenomenon of the Catastrophic Nature of much of the Stratigraphical Record .
21 This may be called the Phenomenon of Quantum Sedimentation .
22 A second type of critic may be called the progressive .
23 Assuming for the moment that the efficiency of production depends solely upon the exertions of the workers , we saw that ‘ the price required to call forth the exertion necessary for producing any given amount of a commodity may be called the supply price for that amount , with reference of course to a given unit of time ’ .
24 Eliot certainly appreciated Hayward 's caustic wit and was himself , according to Hayward , " … a connoisseur of the ridiculous , an ironical commentator on human folly , a lover of allusive quotation ( particularly from the dicta of Sherlock Holmes and other eminent detectives ) , and a passionate observer of what may be called the Bouvard et Pécuchet way of life " .
25 He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity .
26 The basic duty provides us with the fundamental rule of conduct which may be called the rule of law ; viz. , that we must not only not injure , but must also work to promote , social solidarity .
27 When demand and supply are in equilibrium , the amount of the commodity which is being produced in a unit of time may be called the equilibrium-amount , and the price at which it is being sold may be called the equilibrium-price .
28 The relationship with what may be called the NWICO movement needs both study and experimentation .
29 This may be called the chain through vacancy facility .
30 This is all the more necessary because , although some facilitating devices such as information agreements may be made the subject of prohibitions , the majority of them appear to escape these .
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