Example sentences of "may be [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Providing patients with information on admission to hospital and throughout their stay may be acknowledged as an important part of nursing but frequently , discharge is a very rushed affair .
2 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
3 There is , however , another dimension to the debate , and this appears from the CLRC 's view that , where reckless driving causes death , this should not affect the label of the offence but may be treated as an aggravating factor in sentencing in appropriate cases .
4 The effect of the decision in Aveling Barford is that where a company has no retained earnings , a transfer by it to a sister company which is known to be at an under value may be treated as an unauthorised return of capital .
5 It is particularly common amongst ex-judo players , and may be caused by an awkward fall .
6 A crisis may be caused by an actual or threatened loss or hazardous event , which challenges and outstrips the actual coping capacity of the client and/or the family ( Caplan , 1961 ) .
7 It may be caused by an accidental or inadvertent release from an industrial plant , and the effects may range from annoyance ( e.g. odour ) through minor illness or discomfort ( nose , eye and breathing irritation , coughing , nausea ) to , in some cases , serious illness or even death as happened at Seveso , Bhopal and Chernobyl ( table 7.3 ) .
8 The data suggest that the protentiation of pancreatic toxicity of cyclosporin A observed during coadministration of indomethacin is not the result of suppression of endogenous pancreatic eicosanoid biosynthesis , but more likely results from altered cyclosporin A pharmacokinetics which may be caused by an interference of indomethacin with the hepatic cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase involved in cyclosporin A metabolism .
9 The discrepancy of our results to the reported inhibitory action of cyclosporin A on renal prostaglandin formation may be caused by an organ selective effect of cyclosporin A or to the higher doses of cyclosporin A — that is , 50 mg/kg , used in studies on renal prostaglandin formation .
10 This latest controversy follows a report published yesterday in the British Medical Journal which suggests childhood leukaemia may be caused by an unidentified infectious agent , such as a virus .
11 Similarly , for juvenile offenders , the ‘ care order ’ under which they may be detained in an institution is for an unspecified period ; again , release is determined by rehabilitative , treatment criteria .
12 Since an injunction may be granted on an interlocutory basis pending trial ( which may not take place for many months ) and , in cases of great urgency , on an ex parte basis , it is clear that there is a possibility of the union side being robbed of the initiative in an industrial action .
13 Furthermore , the submission of Mr. Collins ignores the fact that , since an injunction may be granted in an emergency to restrain an infringement of the law , for example the cutting down of a tree in breach of a tree preservation order ( see , e.g. , Newport Borough Council v. Khan ( Sabz Ali ) [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 1185 ) , it may well be impossible in such circumstances to resolve the issue of a possible defence on the application for an interlocutory injunction .
14 Plant pieces are not actively used in the construction of the nest , but they may be employed as an anchor , or in the case of broad leaf plants that reach the surface , as a site for the whole nest .
15 A set of assumptions may be challenged by an outsider , and at this moment these shared views come into focus .
16 An organic cause ( acute confusional state or brain syndrome ) may be differentiated from an acute functional psychosis by the presence of abnormal neurological signs , particularly clouding of consciousness .
17 In so far as the functions performed by Molla Edebali and Tursun Fakih , apparently successively , may be characterized as an " office " from an Institutional point of view , as it were it seems not to have been continuous , however , at least on the evidence of the biographical sources .
18 The furniture in the lower room , which in every respect corresponds to the upper one , consists of one chair , of most antique and unsafe appearance ; two tables , which may be referred to an equally remote period ; and a rude wooden bench , about four feet long .
19 A court school , such as Alcuin led , may be defined as an institution for harnessing learning to political purposes , all kinds of learning including biblical learning .
20 Special Service may be defined as an action ranging between but not including the work of the single agent on the one hand , and on the other , the full-scale combined operation .
21 In the words of Dirac a state of motion of a system may be defined as an undisturbed motion that is restricted by as many conditions or data as are theoretically possible without mutual interference or contradiction .
22 A contract may be defined as an agreement enforceable at law .
23 I shall begin by concentrating on the ego , which may be defined as an agency of the personality differentiated from the wholly unconscious id by its responsibilities for the control of voluntary movement .
24 A eurobond may be defined as an international bond issue underwritten by an international syndicate of banks , and sold principally in countries other than that of the currency of denomination .
25 This may be compared with an NCB estimate of 113 to 142 million tonnes a year and the NUM 's stated belief that appropriate policies could raise demand to 170 million tonnes per annum .
26 The picture obtained may be compared with an event being filmed from a distance as a series of still shots with some blank shots in between and no close-ups .
27 The level of detail may be compared to an encyclopaedia , with the entries arranged according to their content , rather than alphabetically .
28 These sexual differences may be illustrated by an experiment of A. J. Bateman on the fruitfly Drosophila .
29 This prejudice against close involvement with " the secular government may be illustrated by an anecdote related in the about Molla Gurani .
30 Such a portfolio may be illustrated by an inverted pyramid with the most liquid assets at the base , as shown in Fig. 1 .
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