Example sentences of "may also [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But this may also attract criticism from parents if they make their own comparisons about trends and innovations .
2 An FDI acquisition may also affect competition in a third market to which both the acquirer and the acquired firms were actual or potential suppliers .
3 Major changes of policy or new developments in an authority may also affect funding for materials — as , for instance , at the opening of a new service point .
4 Students may also study Geography in the Faculty of Social Sciences ( see page145 ) .
5 The procuticle is probably secreted around them and they may also transport material to the outer procuticle and epicuticle .
6 Practical examinations , assessment during placements and oral examinations may also form part of the overall assessment of a student 's capabilities .
7 They may also arrange sub-underwriting of any cash underwritten alternative and provide valuable feedback on market sentiments regarding the offer .
8 Firms may also make provision for bridging loans or provide temporary mortgage facilities .
9 The mass media too are concerned essentially with communicating , usually giving information although it may also involve exchange in the form of readers ' letters to a newspaper or phone-in programmes on radio .
10 It may also involve comparison with other professions and other occupations and not just with rewards within the organisation .
11 This imbalance must be addressed on a number of fronts : peers could help by sharing valuable expertise , knowledge and resources , while teachers may also offer advice with teaching to a wider range of practitioners , not just those attending national board courses on developing teaching skills .
12 The manufacturer may also experience difficulty in monitoring developments and changes in the overseas market and adapting to these changes in good time .
13 And it may also demand analysis of the constructions that a word may appear in , for instance , that a verb like want can be followed by the term for what is wanted , as in I want that block ; or by a clause , as in I want him to come here .
14 This may increase the difficulties of investigation , but may also favour retention of hydrocarbons in some areas .
15 The senior nurse may also allocate time for individual teaching of learners , or for group tutorial sessions .
16 While this may be a means of sharing responsibilities and caring , it may also give rise to tensions in overcrowded households .
17 By analogy with excitation-contraction coupling , in which the large cytoplasmic head of the RYR links the T-tubule to the internal calcium store ( Fig. 2a ) , the large head of the IP 3 R may also convey information between the ER and the plasma membrane .
18 He may also welcome advice on how he might continue the therapeutic process and deal with any further crises .
19 We may also draw attention to the fact that it is possible logically , even if not biologically , to use old , with the same effect as it has in the phrase Charlie 's old school , in combination with the word mother ; the incongruity of the result should give us a very sharp view of the difference between the ordinary referential variation of adjectives used relativistically , and the semantic effect produced by the difference in type of relation at work in ( 33 ) and ( 34 ) .
20 For example , the curriculum may ignore or devalue black cultures and achievements and may also ignore racism as a structural phenomenon and as part of the daily experience of black pupils .
21 It may also shed light on the standards required for British firms who wish to act as subcontractors to the many Japanese foreign investors in Britain and Europe .
22 In open country , trees becomes sites for breeding colonies which may also facilitate synchronization of breeding .
23 Staining ( Chapter 4 ) and blue light emission spectroscopy ( Dravis & yurewicz , 1985 ) may also aid evaluation of some diagenetic sequences , particularly in carbonates .
24 Where a differentiated-product strategy is being used , the productivity-accounting analysis described in the previous section may also aid perception of what is happening .
25 Other public policies may also influence investment in the private sector .
26 Fatally , it may also lose interest in talking to the vulgar herd outside .
27 Moreover , Edmund 's association with the Welsh may also cast light on why Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa apparently refers to the battle of Assandun being followed by another at Danaskógar ( skógr = wood , forest ) .
28 It should be pointed out that an action in negligence is not restricted to shock and personal injuries but may also include damage to property or even sometimes purely financial loss .
29 You may also need cover for tools or equipment used by you and your employees .
30 Those to whom power is delegated may also need help from various sources , beyond their own skills .
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