Example sentences of "may from [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a shop assistant you may from time to time need to be helpful , tactful , firm or sympathetic !
2 In order to achieve this they may from time to time have to change the form in order to preserve the meaning .
3 15.1 has imparted and may from time to time impart to certain confidential information relating to the Licensed Software , or up-dates or enhancements of the Licensed Software or other software owned , marketed or supported by ( including specifications therefore ) .
4 18.1 Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement or required by statute , law or regulation shall , unless otherwise provided for , be in writing , and shall be delivered in person , sent by registered mail or air mail as appropriate , properly posted and fully pre-paid in an envelope properly addressed , or sent by telefax or by telex to the respective Parties as specified above or to such other address , telefax or telex number as may from time to time be designated by notice hereunder .
5 4.3.3 The other Non-academic Parties agree to provide to the Lead Organization , or direct to the Secretary of State , as may be most convenient a copy of their respective latest audited accounts , unless previously provided , together with such other financial and technical information as the Secretary of State may from time to time properly require in relation to the procedures governing claims for payment .
6 6.4 Payments shall be made by cheque in US dollars to the bank account of , details of which are set out in Schedule 5 , or to an account at such other bank in England as may from time to time nominate for the purpose .
7 Although one may from time to time admire people who hazard their entire company on one major throw , it has to be a risk that for most of us would be , hopefully , both an unnecessary one and certainly an undesirable one .
8 In some cases longer detention would be requisite , and there may from time to time be murderers who can never be released .
9 It makes sense to see what the crucial contribution of the teacher is , and to test other models of the learning process which may from time to time be proposed to see what help they can give .
10 The Secretary of State may from time to time revise the whole or any part of a code of practice to which this section applies and issue that revised code ; and the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply ( with appropriate modifications ) to such a revised code as they apply to the first issue of a code .
11 Section 61(2) provides that persons who are entitled to a deposit as trustees shall be treated as ‘ a single and continuing body of persons distinct from the persons who may from time to time be the trustees . ’
12 ‘ at any time if he thinks fit release on licence a person serving a term of imprisonment for life subject to compliance with such conditions , if any , as the Secretary of State may from time to time determine .
13 The patronage is in the hands of the Prime Minister who may from time to time invite leaders of opposition parties to propose names .
14 Although Prime Ministers may from time to time use words which suggest that they are not unwilling to exercise their power of appointment , in recent times there is no direct evidence that they have done so .
15 ( 3 ) The council of any district or islands area may from time to time determine whether the district or area shall be divided ( or continue to be divided ) into licensing divisions for the purposes of this Act , and such a council shall , on making a determination under this subsection , forthwith notify the Secretary of State of such determination and cause notice thereof to be published in two successive weeks in one or more newspapers circulating in the district or area .
16 It is to publish information as to the discharge of its functions , supply information to the Lord Chancellor as and when required , make annual reports , and ‘ have regard , in discharging its functions , to such guidance as may from time to time be given by the Lord Chancellor . ’
17 shall prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form and containing such particulars , compiled in such a manner , as the Minister may from time to time direct with the approval of the Treasury .
18 Nevertheless because they are supposed to be men of wide experience and outstanding capability the bishop may from time to time give them particular tasks to do in connection with parish priests .
19 Will he also accept that the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union may from time to time have some apprehension , and that there may be need to give them reassurance ?
20 Similar provisions are made for CTT with this difference , that in calculating the value of the ‘ slice ‘ the property is to be deemed to produce income a such a rate as may from time to time be prescribed by the Treasury with the proviso that the value of the ’ slice ’ as so ascertained is never to exceed the value of the whole property .
21 In the secondary sector they may from time to time be concerned with defined localities and with those young people who come to their attention from specific communities .
22 such other qualifications or experience as the Board or Fellows may from time to time deem appropriate .
23 d ) The Executive Committee shall be able to call upon help and advice from an ‘ Advisory Panel ’ which shall consist of all fully-trained Medau teachers resident in Britain during the current year , who are not Officers or Members of the Executive Committee ; a representative of the Medau Leaders who is not an Officer or member of the Executive Committee , to be elected from among their own number by holders of the Medau Leadership award ; a Medical Adviser to be appointed by the executive Committee and such others as the Executive Committee may from time to time appoint .
24 The Honorary Officers , who shall be elected biennially and be eligible for immediate re-election , shall be a President , Honorary Treasurer and such Officers as the Society may from time to time decide to appoint .
25 The Executive Committee shall be able to call upon help and advice from an ‘ Advisory Panel ’ which shall consist of all fully-trained Medau teachers resident in Britain during the current year , who are not Officers or Members of the Executive Committee ; a representative of the Medau Leaders who is not an Officer or member of the Executive Committee , to be elected from among their own number by holders of the Medau Leadership award ; a Medical Adviser to be appointed by the Executive Committee and such others as the Executive Committee may from time to time appoint .
26 ( i ) a certificate of good standing from each of the applicant 's home law societies , bars , chambers or courts ( as appropriate ) in such terms as the Law Society may from time to time specify ;
27 ( 1 ) Each member of and each beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body shall submit to the Council , in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , a covenant under seal ( referred to in these Rules as a ‘ Compensation Fund covenant ’ ) that he or it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of any shares in the body reimburse the Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Act where :
28 ( a ) a completed application signed by all the members and directors of the body ( in the case of a member which is a recognised body two directors of that body shall sign on its behalf save that where a body has only one director that director shall sign on its behalf ) in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , which application shall include ?
29 ( g ) such fee as the Council may from time to time prescribe in connection with such applications .
30 ( f ) To invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined and to hold or otherwise deal with any investments made .
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