Example sentences of "may be see in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Good examples of this approach may be seen in Dodson & Wexlar ( 1979 ) , Korth ( 1979 ) and Andrews & Evans ( 1983 ) .
2 Hen harriers , merlins and short-eared owls may be seen in winter .
3 The sounds of England , the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy , the corncrake on a dewy morning , the sound of the scythe against the whetstone , and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill , the sight that has been seen in England since England was a land , and may be seen in England long after the Empire has perished and every works in England has ceased to function .
4 In rural Wales , for example , taking 1938–39 as the year of the ‘ peak ’ network , considerable decline may be seen in route mileage in the first decade up to 1949 , although this did not occur at a constant rate and varied considerably in the north and south of Wales , and according to the specific operating companies considered .
5 Exx.1-3 show the three different textures that appear in the scores for this ballet : ex.1 solo voice and bass line ( this is the opening vocal air of the ballet , the full text of which may be seen in illus.l ) ; ex.2 an instrumental trio , with two treble instruments and bass ( the ritournelle that follows the vocal air ) ; ex.3 a five-part instrumental texture , each line notated in a different clef ( the first entrée ) .
6 Decay of the surface of the bone may be seen in Fig. 1.11B , which is a bone preserved under slightly acid water ( pH 5.1 ) .
7 Taking for example v = 1 and 2 for the conductor surfaces we have solved an electrostatic problem as may be seen in Fig. 2.26 .
8 Another example demonstrating the same phenomenon may be seen in Fig. 2.41 .
9 As may be seen in Fig. 3.1 the coordinates of the wire element are x' , y' , z' , whereas the coordinates of the point where we wish to determine the magnetic field are set of coordinates .
10 The background to this bid may be seen in BAT 's attempt to diversify out of tobacco , which was a ‘ mature ’ industry with relatively limited growth prospects .
11 Alternatively on Fig. 3.2 the development may be seen in terms of moving from level 2 — departmental analysis of expenditure , to level 3 — patient care analysis .
12 The reasons for the decline in this sector of the housing market may be seen in terms of simple demand and supply analysis : the letting of accommodation has become less desirable for landlords and other forms of tenure have become more attractive for potential tenants .
13 The important decisions to be reached at the design stage may be seen in terms of five basic questions : a ) What is the general theme or topic ? b ) Who is likely to use the information ? c ) What kinds of questions will they ask ? d ) What kind of information will they need ? e ) What should the information look like ?
14 The bargaining relations between state enterprise unions and the political authorities may be seen in terms of Pizzorno 's well-known concept of ‘ political exchange ’ .
15 A combination of added inner parts and rescoring may be seen in d'Indy 's treatment of the ritournelle that begins Act 4 of Dardanus .
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