Example sentences of "may be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where a change of use occurs the local planning authority is concerned with the intended use to which the property is to be put in order that the character of the locality may be maintained in accordance with other development schemes .
2 Such searches may be undertaken as part of a comprehensive strategic review or in order to assist a client in implementing an agreed acquisition strategy .
3 It is possible that Drummond and Hutton 's review underestimates the total activity , since many appraisals may be undertaken within health authorities and such reports do not always enter into the public domain .
4 ( 2 ) Note 2 to Rule 2.1 warns companies of the particular risk that price-sensitive information may be leaked during proof printing of documents , and urges every possible precaution to ensure confidentiality .
5 Then again , I may be struck by lightning before I reach the church .
6 We do not find after or , , so that for example ‘ sullen ’ must be pronounced , ‘ Christian ’ as ( though this word may be pronounced with plus or instead of ) and ‘ pigeon ’ as .
7 However , voluntary medical examinations may be conducted as part of an occupational health programme .
8 Pottery , for example , may be treated as art , science or technology , and within a discipline oriented scheme the opportunity will probably exist to classify pottery in at least any one of these three disciplines .
9 Such phrases as ‘ loss of temper ’ or ‘ heat of passion ’ are treated as useful synonyms , for which angry or apparently uncontrolled reactions may be treated as evidence .
10 Note that where assets are acquired not as part of a TOGC and VAT is payable , the VAT liability may be treated as capital expenditure for the purpose of writing down allowances for plant and machinery .
11 First , the patient 's failure to take care of himself in the knowledge that death will result sooner rather than otherwise — and this would apply to the aged as well as to the terminally ill — may be treated as suicide , despite what has been said .
12 If an outbreak has occurred , earth runs may be treated with sodium borate which is lethal to hookworm larvae , but this also kills grass .
13 KS can also affect internal organs , and may be treated by chemotherapy .
14 the basic idea of which is a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another .
15 At your age it may be caused by diverticulitis , a polyp , or some other disorder of the colon , which might need specialist treatment .
16 I am advised that if an implant is successful it would reduce the need for medication and would therefore reduce the likelihood of the side effects that may be caused by drug treatment .
17 The report offers further evidence that some cases of childhood leukaemia may be caused by infection and not , as has been previously been suggested , by exposure to such things as nuclear radiation .
18 If you have symptoms that you think may be caused by food intolerance you should not feel affronted if the doctor 's initial questions seem rather personal and irrelevant to the aches and pains being suffered .
19 Incontinence may be caused by disease or infection , or because a person finds it difficult to reach or use a toilet .
20 Some cases are susceptible to medical treatment , some require intensive nursing care , most respond to education and training and a small minority may be so severely impaired that they may be detained in hospital or placed under guardianship .
21 Two other valid criteria for weeding may be employed in conjunction with use and publication date .
22 Shiftworkers lose sleep progressively while working the night or morning shifts , and may be employed in nursing , in controlling power stations or chemical plants , as well as in manufacturing industries .
23 As regards the requirements referred to in part ( b ) of the national court 's question ( 2 ) as I reformulated it above , it may be noted in limine that the mere fact that fishing activity is carried out , on a self-employed basis , using a fishing vessel registered in a member state does not mean that there is establishment in that state .
24 Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied .
25 Jail plan may be shelved in cut backs , says city MP
26 The report also looks at a wide variety of other Scottish buildings which have been allowed to deteriorate or may be destroyed by development .
27 Such a corporation has a trading character , which may be destroyed by libel .
28 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
29 These crops may be cut with tractor-mower as the lie of the straw is unimportant .
30 A very large number of variables described in the literature may be presented as candidate CSPs .
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