Example sentences of "people who have [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The people who would fly a Virgin airline were the same young , mobile , relatively affluent people who had been buying records by Virgin artists in Virgin record stores for years .
2 John Browne , who is standing as a rebel Tory candidate against the official Conservative in Winchester , rejected yesterday a plea by five people who had been supporting him that he should stand down .
3 Tenants ' association club on the Sparrow Farm estate … it is alleged that people who had been drinking at the club attacked the family in the off-licence opposite PHOTOGRAPHS : KENNETH SAUNDERS Bitter questions of racial violence Ramesh K and his family were hounded out of their Feltham off-licence by 18 months of abuse and attacks , during which time they became pawns in a battle between the local council , the police and two rival race relations bodies .
4 On several occasions , people who had been drinking in the Sparrow Farm tenants ' association club opposite the shop left the club and attacked the Ks , both inside the off-licence and , sometimes , as they left after closing for the night .
5 People who had been living in the shadow of the rock breathed easily again .
6 during the break , after we had done this segment of the film and had gone into the canteen for lunch , all the people who had been working on the film were whistling the song .
7 The researchers identified 167 people who had been attending for a year or more .
8 I went there and found that people who had been waiting for four hours or more had still not received satisfaction .
9 She welcomed the work done and the fact that so many people who had been waiting for so long had been treated , but was concerned that health workers who had been working flat out to reduce the lists would not be able to maintain their work rate .
10 Rain met people who had been avoiding her for months and others she had been dodging .
11 Those people who 've been holding off buying anything just in case prices drop still further could now find they 've missed the boat .
12 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
13 Would it not help if the board gave a written assurance to the people who 've been complaining here that they will meet them on any occasion to discuss the problem in writing please because from Brenda it appears that it just does not happen .
14 I 've listened to a lot of interest to the people who 've been commenting about the future and the schools and the young children coming in .
15 They 've gone , all those people who 've been marching around inside my head : Mum , Dad , teachers , infuriating old Brian — even Cal who 's everyone 's friend when I 'm nobody 's friend but she 's special to me …
16 Yeah , so that means that people who 've been living here before has has been ripping catalogues off and things like that .
17 The long term waiting list is also down to five thousand four hundred , that 's the number of people who 've been waiting a year or more , a third of them for plastic surgery .
18 ‘ We 're picking clients up left , right and centre from all sorts of people who 've been charging pretty fancy fees and really failing to do any better than we do , ’ says Michael Read , head of the private client department .
19 The people who 've been going through the induction courses though for the last six months or so , they 're probably up , more able to speak to it , and you 're going to be better off actually than the , the old boys if you like and girls , because it 's going to be old dogs , new tricks , but as you wo n't know any different and you do this , then you 'll have an advantage over them .
20 But it 's the sorta thing I 'd expect to hear from older people who 've been fighting a fight and are n't interested in anything I 'm doing .
21 But you you 've got the drift and as long as I I persuade people to listen to the people who 've been doing it for so long
22 But it 's only doable , I 'm afraid that 's an Americanism that 's crept into our language , doable , erm only if you listen to the people who 've been doing it .
23 And all I what my my parting statement to most people , although I 'll say it right now because I 've started it , erm is that if you 're prepared to listen to the advice given by the people who 've been doing er selling advertising in these environments
24 And listening to the people who 've been doing it for years .
25 Also there were the people who 'd been coming in to the shop when it was still Let It Rock .
26 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
27 Sainsbury , Tesco , Asda — they all provide expensive glossy leaflets aimed at helping us to slice our treasures — interestingly into fruit salads — how about a bit of background , or best of all , a direct link back to the people who have been eating guavas and passion fruits for ever .
28 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
29 The programme is open to people who have been mulling over an idea for some time and experts will give it the commercial analysis it needs and , if it stands up , the business planning and search for funding that it merits .
30 The opposition , a diverse and mostly respectable group of people who have been clamouring for a bit of say in the new Kuwait , did not get even a token position .
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