Example sentences of "good way [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Research continues in the UK and abroad to develop vaccines against the most common strains and to find better ways of controlling the disease .
2 He tried to devise new and better ways of operating the machines in the bottle works where he was employed and , realizing that he needed to increase his knowledge of science and mathematics if he was to exploit his ideas , he went in the evenings to the nearby Mechanics ' Institute and also took lessons in trigonometry from a local clergyman .
3 But to say the truth , madam , let a man love reading never so well , when once he comes to know this tawn , he finds so many better ways of passing the four-and-twenty hours , that 't were ten thousand pities he should consume his time in that .
4 Are these not better ways of improving the skills of British industry than the rigid structures favoured by the feudal barons of the trade union movement ?
5 However , the clues to the cause can lead to better ways of treating the disease as soon as they are recognised .
6 Privatization has achieved better ways of running the transport industries and there is today no serious movement in any of them to return to state control .
7 ‘ Well , we 're all together still , are n't we ? ’ said Cliff 's brother Steve , with some asperity : he could have thought of better ways of spending the evening , given the choice .
8 As the JMU random visit programme goes into its second year we need to find better ways of isolating the representative results from those of the reactive , com-plaint-led , visits , and learn to interpret them statistically to build up a reliable picture of the auditing profession , its strengths and weaknesses .
9 And yet on the face of it , the inner route seemed to offer a better way of meeting the need than performing the functions that you seek for the relief road to perform in that part of Harrogate Knaresborough .
10 A spokesman said : ‘ There 's no better way of discovering the magic of the North York Moors . ’
11 The utility measure based on user evaluation of documents may be a better way of accommodating the interactive nature of the information-seeking process .
12 The company believes that there is no better way of maintaining the high standards of service than through its investment in existing employees .
13 There is no better way of establishing the sea than by being lunged and it is a great pity that beginner riders are so frequently taught by the most junior members of staff .
14 But what better way of fooling the enemy when your Prime Minister was going to one place than by having a double suggest he was somewhere else altogether ?
15 There is no better way of intensifying the treasured feeling of individuality than the possession of a secret which the individual is pledged to guard .
16 Belcher si not a great beer-drinker either , but for Morse and Dexter there 's no better way of ending the day at the pub , one of their favourite haunts is the Kings Arms where you might even get Dexter to admit he might actually share one or two of his creation 's habits .
17 But she had a better way of relaxing the tightness that started at the back of her neck and spread across the crown of her head than attempting sleep .
18 If his plan worked , he would have an hour or two to himself dawdling along the reef , which was a better way of spending the afternoon than acting as nanny to four Latinos .
19 There is no better way of practising the language one is learning than using it outside the classroom .
20 We have shown him a better way of making the savings he requires next year , and we will be happy to work with him — and with the consumer groups — to find ways of improving the value obtained for the money spent on legal aid in the future .
21 There could be no better way of demonstrating the variety of tasks that normally falls on the shoulders of a manager than to reproduce in full in Figure 4.1 the ‘ Allocation of Jobs ’ list that the collective bureau at Charing Cross uses .
22 In all , 255 young trees were planted , a huge task which was completed by the garden team at Nymans in ten days and which has already gone a good way towards restoring the diversity of colours , shapes and textures of conifers in their prime .
23 In my own experience I have found this medium both economic and a very good way of learning the Technique , especially in the initial stages .
24 A lot of people are invited in to local radio and it 's a very good outlet , it 's a very good way of learning the game .
25 Dividing large areas into smaller ones with electric fencing is a good way of spreading the strain .
26 To cut the Persian nobility off from such sources of revenue would be a good way of avenging the Persian attempt to satrapize Greece in 480 , and to farm Attica and Euboia as royal estates .
27 It was a good way of passing the time , he thought .
28 If you have found that Doomstones make the adventurers too powerful for comfort , this could be a good way of getting the crystals away from them .
29 Meals are a good way of suggesting the passage of time in a movie .
30 A visit to the walled kitchen garden at Felbrigg in Norfolk , complete with handsome dovehouse , is a good way of observing the changes which had begun to take place by the eighteenth century .
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