Example sentences of "good [noun] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mind you in the evening , if it gets quite chilly in the evenings so it might be a good jumper to wear in the evenings when we go for our evening walks by the sea .
2 He said : ‘ The conditions were difficult for everyone and we took a good decision to wait until the last half-hour before doing our 12 laps .
3 Moreover , the Germans had no desire to be saddled with more of BAOR 's sector of the front : they had enough on their hands under-pinning the Dutch and Belgian corps , whose military worth they had good reasons to doubt in the late 1950s .
4 Misunderstandings and " difficult behaviour " are good reasons to check through the quality of your client care .
5 It would take his coach at least two hours to reach Brussels , and he needed a good hour to change into the scarlet and gold finery of a British major-general .
6 Early in the half Loughlins missed a good opportunity to level for the Swifts .
7 With 80 per cent of the seats in the arena again empty , it might have been a good opportunity to bus in the LTA 's young hopefuls to see for themselves what success in the game requires .
8 ( b ) You are keeping the focus on language and missing a good opportunity to focus on the message .
9 One of these areas was an arable field that had been rolled flat , and I felt that this would provide a good opportunity to experiment with the machine 's settings .
10 The meeting also provides a good opportunity to learn about the sort of medical and financial assistance available — useful for anyone who speaks little English .
11 One way of describing the ideal low-pass response depicted in figure 12.1(a) is through the relation This suggested to Butterworth that where n is a large integer , ought to constitute a good response to synthesise from the point of view of creating high-performance low-pass filters .
12 I thought your issue on Masculinity ( NI 175 ) was a good attempt to wrestle with the demon of sexism .
13 They waited tea for another twenty minutes , before Beth addressed the two impatient children with the solemn words , ‘ If the others do n't have the good manners to come to the table at the proper time , then we 'll start without them . ’
14 Even if you are certain in your mind about the usefulness/uselessness of a particular book , it is good practice to skim through the book from beginning to end .
15 I 've a good mind to go to the Bodega Bar with ye … they sell alcoholic beverages . ’
16 So she said I 've a good mind to write to the manager so Bobby said you wan na leave well alone , forget he said .
17 To that end , will he encourage Russia to use its good offices to intervene in the appalling situation in Nagorny Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan , if Russia is to win its spurs as a member of the Security Council and ultimately as a member of the conference on security and co-operation in Europe ?
18 You get the interest by inviting good speakers to talk on the right subjects and by your format variety and , wherever possible , the right kind of sparkle .
19 And a good place to recover from the excesses of Glitter City is Death Valley .
20 That 's why I was promoted : they needed a good engineer to put in the technology . ’
21 And have quite a lot of good things to say about the flats and the
22 There are some unusually good things to see inside the church of Saint-Savin : a ‘ Eucharist tower ’ twenty feet and three storeys high , Gothic in style , and made of gilded wood ; two primitive fifteenth-century panels , each containing nine scenes from the life of the church 's name-saint ; a Renaissance organ carried on what is left of a wooden gallery that once ran right across the church , from transept to transept — on the front of the instrument are three articulated mascarons , which moved their eyes and tongues as the organ played , in representation of wretched earthly sinners , grimacing at the intolerable sound of joyful , heavenly music .
23 ON the golf course , 1989 was a vintage to declare and may well be the source of good things to come in the publishing world .
24 I am convinced that this is because the barbel are so conditioned to seeing this plastic larder pop through the surface and spread good things to eat along the bottom , they are waiting for it to happen .
25 Using video at this level is a good occasion to focus on the story or the way a topic is treated or the way a programme is structured .
26 My personal feeling is that this would be a very good service to have in the rural area but I doubt if you will get enough passengers to make it profitable without a subsidy from the County Council .
27 It took us a good while to get to the location .
28 As a hallway , it is the place where I invite the good Lord to step over the threshold and talk with me .
29 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
30 These have a long shelf life and can be served hot or cold , making them a very good standby to have in the cupboard .
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