Example sentences of "good [noun] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Additional imports generated may have been around 15 per cent for the United Kingdom , rather less for the EEC but a good deal more for the United States .
2 Erm , it has actually worked , erm , in that it seems that there 's a very fair chance that er , in spite of the very discouraging things that were said by some of the people on my right when I moved this , erm , there is a very good chance now for a reasonable er , settlement in South Africa , which I think should erm , make everyone in this chamber very happy , and it is that , undoubtedly the case that economic pressure had a great deal to do with that .
3 Good timing then for a new coupling ( though recorded in 1986 ) of the Missa choralis and Via crucis from the Ensemble Vocal Audite Nova de Paris , under their director Jean Sourisse , with no less a figure than Marie-Claire Alain at the organ of the Eglise Saint-Antione in Paris ( ) .
4 They 'll be in a better shape now for the future .
5 What better time then for the Community Action Trust , the organisation behind the Crimestoppers scheme , to put up a reward of £5,000 for the same information ?
6 I know your ego finds that hard to believe , but just because we had a good time together for a couple of days does not necessarily mean that I 'm yours to play with whenever you feel like it ! ’
7 Sludds , winner of the title in 1984 , has been struggling unsuccessfully to make an impression on the European tour , but now looks a very good bet indeed for the £10,000 first prize in the Irish Championship .
8 Is that not the best case ever for a clear promotions policy ?
9 A quick and clean military victory for the American-led alliance ( or , even less plausibly , a sudden withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait ) would be the best outcome both for the market and for the economy .
10 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has told the government that it believes a single agency for land , air and water is the best way forward for the environment .
11 In the November issue of The Art Newspaper ( No. 22 , p.6 ) all but one participant in a survey of leading art world figures supported this suggestion as the best way forward for the gallery .
12 A strategic decision was taken in the early 80s that the best way forward for the company was to concentrate on dry and semi-moist pet food markets .
13 Sections are the best way forward for the union .
14 SCOTLAND 's 38 senior clubs will vote within the next six weeks on whether four divisions of ten clubs each is the best way forward for the good of the game .
15 ‘ We 've discussed the idea of continental championships in each of the disciplines and bringing the best skiers together for a Masters final late in the season .
16 A spokesman said ‘ This is the most dramatic period in ferry travel between Northern Ireland and Scotland and the best time ever for the customer . ’
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