Example sentences of "only just [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although only just elected to the Executive Committee as Galway Area Secretary , Tom is no stranger to ‘ 93 ’ as for 6 years , from 1973 top 1979 , he was an Executive Committee member as Cork District Secretary .
2 He said : ‘ The turntable ladder only just fitted into the churchyard by a few inches .
3 One was the common ostrich ; the other was the smaller ‘ petise ’ version that Darwin had only just snatched from the jaws of his shipmates .
4 we 'll walk down the road at the back and we 'd only just turned round the corner from the Claremont and we found this restaurant and it was , it was an absolutely brilliant chef , really nice restaurant , really high quality and it was was quite reasonable price , it was n't cheap .
5 We 've only just flipped off the radio when two tons of suede appear round the side of the building .
6 The hon. Member for Southampton , Test ( Mr. Hill ) has only just ambled into the Chamber .
7 It 's only just cooked on the fire .
8 He was attacked by Dark Elf assassins on the road to Avelorn and was only just saved by the timely intervention of a party of Chracian hunters .
9 There is a summary , your proof , your appendices , there 's a letter dated the fourth of February from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust , there is a special statement , and last , and only just received in the last few minutes , there is a supplementary note by Doctor on the Greater Crested Newt and its importance in relation to Skelton Pond .
10 For example , Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous has only just begun in the UK whereas Alcoholics Anonymous has been in the UK for over forty years .
11 But advice workers in Middlesbrough said they had only just heard of the drug and had no reports of its presence in the county .
12 And she 'd only just gone to the end of the road to phone Ken was working away .
13 I nodded and he continued , ‘ You 've only just arrived on the island .
14 Ah , good evening , come in , we 've er , we 've only just started on the Parish Council , so er
15 Rory leapt back , staggered on legs that had gone half to sleep , and only just scrambled into the broom cupboard and got the door shut before the bedroom door opened .
16 In fact , only just recovered from the ringworm , Nijinsky went to Doncaster chiefly to please his owner Charles Englehard who , not surprisingly , coveted the rare sporting distinction of a British Triple Crown .
17 Sir Ranulph 's weight had dropped from 14 to 10 stones and he and Dr Stroud , 37 , had only just recovered from the low blood sugar condition hypoglycaemia .
18 Beleaguered chief executive Chris Hassall said : ‘ The two we talked to — Ken Benjamin and Anthony Cummins — have only just come onto the scene and they are very inexperienced in real international cricket .
19 ‘ But I 've only just got off the plane , ’ insisted Crawford .
20 The municipal-bond market has only just got over the jolt it received from federal tax changes in 1986 that removed tax breaks for some large buyers of new issues , notably banks and insurance companies .
21 There was a momentary hesitation before he explained that he 'd only just got to the room , he 'd felt too disturbed by the shamanistic experience to sleep and had sat in the hospitality suite reading .
22 I apologise for the delay in replying , but I have only just got to the bottom of my ‘ in tray ’ after months of chasing deadlines !
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