Example sentences of "only [be] [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The events that he suggested ( his theory fell out of favour in the Twenties , and has only been revived since the study of palaeomagnetism indicated the strong likelihood that the continents had drifted , and in continuous directions at regular velocities ) were supposed to have started to take place 600 million years ago .
2 This sum had first been mentioned in January 1991 as the amount necessary to fund the absorption of Soviet immigrants in Israel , and in February a smaller US loan guarantee to fund the housing of immigrants had only been approved after the Israeli authorities had undertaken not to use the funds in the occupied territories [ see p. 38023-24 ] .
3 It represents a tremendous opportunity and challenge , but these will only be obtained if the development of organisational change and information systems is properly integrated and managed .
4 This circuit is not designed to produce precise daily timings and maximum repeat accuracy will only be obtained if the temperature of the unit is kept reasonably constant .
5 Since a complete understanding of developmental mechanisms can only be obtained if the sequence and timing of events is known , methods for obtaining synchronized embryos and their constituent blastomeres have to be developed .
6 An employment visa ( munkavallaloi vizum ) , which could only be obtained if the foreigner had a work permit , was also introduced .
7 The proposal of help could only be accepted if the BF altered their constitution to make explicit their belief in parliamentary government .
8 Twentieth-century evolutionists such as George Gaylord Simpson have argued that Darwin 's theory of adaptive evolution is incompatible with a belief in the necessity of progress , but in the late nineteenth century a philosophy of universal change could only be accepted if the changes were assumed to have a purposeful goal .
9 You 're soon drive round the bend by slippery blocks that wo n't let you stand still on them , electrical blocks that can only be crossed when the current 's off , blocks that crumble when you stand on ‘ em , others with gaping holes which you must fix by flicking a switch before you can cross …
10 Alcoholic drinks should only be given if the doctor allows it , and the patient must not be allowed to drink excessive amounts of alcohol .
11 Items marked with an asterisk [ * ] would only be given if the adventurers had overcome Drachenfels himself .
12 Consent to the application of the concession will only be given if an undertaking is given by the grantor of the schemes to notify the Revenue of any changes of ownership or control of : the grantor , the other company which jointly controls the companies concerned with the grantor , the JOC , and any other company to which the group scheme is extended by the concession .
13 The effect of this factor , however , could only be detected when the other vulnerability factors were also considered .
14 This diligence can only be exercised once the curt papers have been served on the debtor .
15 In one case an immigrant who was present in Britain was denied judicial review of a decision not to give him leave to enter the country because of the existence of a right of appeal which could only be exercised if the immigrant left Britain .
16 The power of entry and search section 17(1) ( d ) of PACE can only be exercised if the police are in pursuit of the patient .
17 Such freedom can only be exercised if the manager has the full authority to make decisions , without the need to ask a boss for approval , and without the chance that a boss might step in and alter or reverse the subordinate 's decisions .
18 This form of control could only be exercised if the defect existed on the face of the record .
19 In reply to Trevelyan 's comments about this land being sufficient for the new building , Hall made the astonishing remark that this could only be determined after the plans were sent in by the competing architects .
20 The precise cost of a project can only be determined when the final account ( including any claims ) is settled .
21 The optimum size of hash table can only be determined if the approximate number of items to be stored is known .
22 She considers marriage to be a gamble for any woman , a gamble which can only be justified where the woman examines the character and prospects of the man she is to marry .
23 While in the context of the prohibition of quantitative restrictions and measures equivalent thereto there is express provision for national safeguard measures , it is clear that both under Article 36 of the EEC Treaty and under the theory of the protection of mandatory requirements , national measures may only be justified where the matter at issue is not governed by provisions of Community law .
24 The Hard Copy system is provided as three stand-alone programs which should only be run when the LIFESPAN process is not running :
25 This program should only be run when the LIFESPAN process is not running .
26 It is a stand-alone program and should only be run when the LIFESPAN process is not running .
27 Today , rambutans ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) are distributed this way , growing up around deserted encampments of forest people in the Malay Peninsula , and several other fruits gathered there can only be swallowed as the flesh is either difficult to remove or the seeds are too fiddly to extract ( as in blackberries , blackcurrants and tomatoes in modern society sewage farms raise good tomato plants ) : for example the mata-kuching ( Dimocarpus longan ) and the rambai ( Baccaurea motleyana , Euphorbiaceae ) .
28 Now , the stability of a social formation can only be maintained if no class with any means of imposing its interest is pushed to the point of revolt .
29 Equilibrium against collapse can only be maintained if the number of electrons ( and hence nucleons ) is less than .
30 The Product can only be registered if a known Product package and Package version have been entered using option 5.1.2 — Update Product .
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