Example sentences of "only [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The cleavage line is only rarely retained in adult insects but some species have a similarly situated sulcus of different morphological and functional significance .
2 Zinc ( 13 µM ) in gastric juice has not been measured previously , but most zinc is only weakly bound to albumin in plasma and this probably explains why the zinc concentrations in gastric juice are higher relative to copper .
3 Our most important finding , however , was that age was only weakly associated with mortality , even after adjustment for the severity of comorbid conditions .
4 These sorts of childhood problems are only weakly linked to adult schizophrenia and alcoholism , and completely unrelated to manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis .
5 The impetus of the scientific imperative was followed by technical mistakes , followed by a disastrous failure , followed by official reassurances — and only eventually concluded by official backtracking in the face of outside scepticism .
6 The siren , a metre-long amphibian from the southern United States , has lost its back legs altogether and its front legs are not only greatly reduced in size but have no bones within them , merely cartilage , so that they are of no practical use in locomotion .
7 For a start , he was driving far too fast , had only just swerved in time to avoid a cyclist , and was now desperately trying to overtake a pale blue Renault , when it was obvious there was n't room , and the road ahead was too winding to see if it was clear .
8 Above the rambling parkland belonging to Randall Lodge was an area which had once been a rigidly formal garden , but was now only just kept in check by two elderly men .
9 She must be dreaming , but surely she had only just gone to sleep .
10 BRITAIN 'S ‘ greenest ’ car is the Subaru Vivio 660cc which has only just gone on sale .
11 Townsend , who has only just returned to Premiership action for new club Aston Villa , said : ‘ It has been a slight worry but I 'm in no pain and after today 's training I know I 'll definitely play . ’
12 The Christmas Eve assault has only just come to light because the 13-year-old victim was too terrified to report it earlier .
13 Dewdrops , on the other hand , exist , not because they are durable , but because they have only just come into existence and have not yet had time to evaporate .
14 Germany predominating , they also shared the iron ore deposits of the Saar basin and Lorraine ( these last had only just come into use , because of the discovery by an English chemist , Thomas , of a way of making steel from iron ore with a high content of phosphorus ) .
15 The election campaign has only just got under way , and Mr Le Pen may yet reclaim the limelight .
16 Feherty took 40 for the same stretch then declared ‘ I have only just got over influenza and I should not have travelled to Portugal .
17 Ah Christ I 've only just got in mama !
18 It was only just finished in time : according to Constanze , the overture ( the last section to be composed ) was completed just two days before the premiere .
19 Jackie had a nasty puncture in practice on the 150-m.p.h. straight and though he was not injured , his Matra was only just repaired in time for the race .
20 Starting from the 10th , the Swede only once moved over par .
21 The pack animals were large tawny-coloured beasts of a kind that Rostov had only ever seen in illustration .
22 While it might look a bit strange , even antiquated , to anyone who has only ever thought of guitar tuners as pocket sized oblong boxes with LEDs or a needle and a retail price of around forty quid , the Peterson 's ability to accurately tune any musical instrument is known throughout the music industry .
23 The position is still worse because , in many schools , most of the RE time available is spent on content only marginally linked with religion : on moral and cultural education of one kind or another or social studies in which the information conveyed about different religions tends to be of a largely sociological nature , describing other people 's customs and beliefs .
24 For both occupational strata female employees earn about 60 per cent of the wages of their male counterparts , and this discrimination against and exploitation of women 's labour has only marginally decreased through legislation such as the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
25 As expected , increased dietary calcium increased the total calcium in faeces and this was only slightly stimulated by phosphate supplementation of the high calcium diet ( Fig 3 ) .
26 Of course , in addition to the bony structures in the limb — which are first laid down as cartilage and only later replaced by bone — there are muscles and tendons whose pattern is more complex .
27 Kelsen insists that ‘ every law applying act is only partly determined by law ’ and presents actual legal systems as a synthesis of formal , static deduction and informal , dynamic determination .
28 Aggression is only partly caused by leadership style .
29 Similarly in Britain , the early literature consisted of learned , academic books , which later gave way to the many systematic publications of the Geological Survey , only now superseded by research published in commercial scientific journals .
30 Similarly in Britain , the early literature consisted of learned , academic books , which later gave way to the many systematic publications of the Geological Survey , only now superseded by research published in commercial scientific journals .
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