Example sentences of "only [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were also the party of international Protestantism , believing that England should open its arms to foreign protestants who had fled their own country on account of their religion , and were prepared to allow them not only complete freedom of worship but also the advantages of naturalisation .
2 It is also difficult to see the consistency between his reference to sex as fine and noble and his claim that only complete renunciation of sex leads to the realization of God .
3 First , as Mercer and Julien remind us , such an equivalence tends to obscure exactly those differences which need to be addressed if we are to understand not only each kind of discrimination separately but also their interconnections ( ‘ Race , Sexuality and Black Masculinity ’ , 99 — 100 ) .
4 They also observed that for some of those youngsters subsequently the change of direction brought only short-lived renaissance of interest and motivation before the same boredom and lack of achievement returned .
5 The pictures of precision attacks provide only anecdotal evidence of effectiveness .
6 The traverse of Fell End Clouds is a short delightful expedition , less than three miles in walking distance from the road and entailing only 500 feet of climbing .
7 Cavour , only fifty years of age , the great statesman Italy had needed for so long .
8 Life-chances : that is , all those material advantages which improve the equality of life of the recipient this may include not only economic advantages of wealth and income , but also benefits such as health or job security .
9 It can also produce problems in hot weather , when your water is capable of holding only low amounts of oxygen .
10 ‘ According to the witnesses we have consulted , it seems likely that the growth expectations set forth in the Second National Plan ( 1954–57 ) were in contradiction to the conventional wisdom at the beginning of the 1950s , which expected that only low rates of growth were possible …
11 The tyres contain only low levels of carbon and no dioxins ; potentially harmful products of burning tyres are to be recycled .
12 Only that portion of income above this figure is taxed at a marginally higher rate .
13 Only that order of revelation of confession will permit recognition .
14 Only that sort of provision will bind the parties in advance .
15 Yeah , well not very , the only that sort of thing I .
16 He was unprepared for the pain the room gave him , the fierce memory of the last time he had been here , when only that impulse of chivalry , or folly , had prevented him from taking her , as he could have done , from making her his own instead of handing her over to whoever had got her now .
17 It also means that there can be no history in general , only specific structures of historicity .
18 Pancreatic tissue obtained from intact rats infused with saline for five hours released only minute amounts of platelet activating factor ( 1.6 ( 0.9 ) pg/100 mg of wet tissue ) .
19 It has the advantage of requiring only minute amounts of material .
20 It talks about only another layer of government and more red tape and state control , not less .
21 It is , after all , only another kind of sentimentality , drowning the painful scene in the self-indulgent feelings of the onlooker .
22 It 's only another form of love . ’
23 Certainly ‘ death 's other kingdom ’ ( my italics ) suggests that the speakers ' inane life is only another form of death .
24 He not only has room in his science for God ; he tries to create God using only some laws of physics , some simplifying assumptions , some outrageous extrapolations , and truly cosmic gall .
25 Suppose we can rescue only some prisoners of tyranny ; justice hardly requires rescuing none even when only luck , not any principle , will decide whom we save and whom we leave to torture .
26 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
27 The criminal law defines only some types of violence as criminal assault ; it excludes verbal assaults that can , and sometimes do , break a person 's spirit ; it excludes forms of assault whose injuries become apparent years later , such as those resulting from working in a polluted factory environment where the health risk was known to the employer but concealed from the employee ( Swartz 1975 ) ; it excludes ‘ compulsory ’ drug-therapy or electric-shock treatment given to ‘ mentally disturbed ’ patients or prisoners who are denied the civilized rights to refuse such beneficial medical help ( Mitford 1977 ; Szasz 1970,1977a , 1977b ) ; it excludes chemotherapy prescribed to control ‘ naughty ’ schoolboys , but includes physically hitting teachers ( Box 1981b ; Schrag and Divoky 1981 ) .
28 In China there were only 300 miles of railway in 1900 , although the figure reached 5,200 miles by 1910 .
29 He was only 22 years of age .
30 His father died suddenly when he was only 12 years of age and he had an early baptism of public life , being prominent in Scottish affairs while still in his teens .
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