Example sentences of "only [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It usually starts shortly after the animals have been weaned and in most instances it only persists for a few months .
2 Later when he wanted to release him he had only to go through the same motion but this time having his hand covered with a substance that would neutralize the smell .
3 The hype surrounding Justin v John Fashanu did not materialise but Justin came on , only to miss from a few yards as Sanchez intervened , leading to his injury and the booking of the Wimbledon physio .
4 Warned that she could only stay for a few moments , Laura had sat down quietly in a chair beside the bed , taking her cousin 's inert , pale hand and praying , as she had never prayed before , that Liz would be able to survive her ordeal .
5 Thus the cost of a path can not increase , it can only stay at the same level or decrease , and the algorithm is admissible .
6 Well Sandy , we 've only looked at a few of the things in your shed and a very few of your photographs but it 's been fascinating .
7 Due to the pilot nature of the scheme it is only operating in a few selected areas initially , which is why your parish has not been contacted .
8 Alongees are now only made by a few manufacturers .
9 In order not to dull your pleasure I intend to only speak for a few minutes in case we all get snowed in/melt away in the heat !
10 However , as before , No 7819 started in spectacular fashion only to falter on the latter part of the climb .
11 The smoke is probably unburnt fuel If the carb is a little bit worn it will do this The Solex carb is more prone to this than the later Zenith It may also be slight oil burning which is also very common as the engine starts and only happens for a few seconds This is a ‘ feature ’ of Land Rovers and is not really cause for concern
12 I 've only got to bloody si , I 've only got about the same .
13 Now what you were doing was , you got the top figure of available beds and you this time , I 'm only going for the this paper that is shown to me a an an an and produced some place in in your apartments and it says here , partly vacancies weekend in the first of August .
14 The special methods of sensitivity analysis are only used in the former step so we shall concentrate on that .
15 Most of the houses in the village were quite large , with shutters which were only opened for a few hours in the mornings ; if there was a breeze long lace curtains could be seen gently moving .
16 After the model had been repaired , Watt discovered that it would only work for a few stroked and then stop .
17 The kingdom of Italy , the second big new state to emerge from the wars of the mid-century , had only to deal with a few French-speaking communities and some Germans in Venetia ; it did not yet have to face a minorities problem .
18 Her hair , which is down to her bum , and a colour of gold one only gets with a little help from Miss Clairol , was an absolute mess from the wind .
19 As a rule of thumb , moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place .
20 Attention is drawn to the fact that , while the balance conditions ( 7.9 ) and ( 7.10 ) for the Maxwell L-C bridge are independent of frequency , those for the Hay version are frequency dependent , so that for good results with this version an extremely pure sinusoidal source is needed and , ideally , a detection system that only responds to the same frequency .
21 We allmost fainted with fright and was only stayed from the same fate by the hand of his Lordship , who handed the keeper the dove ( fake ) the keeper shut its hand and with a gurgling noise vanished with a clang of its lid , and all went pitch .
22 I need only quote from a few Welsh Office publications :
23 They only appeal to a few , and some people are repelled by them .
24 Bearing in mind that if we do have the whole house then people are only coming for a few days or or even one night could no they had somewhere to stay .
25 If , as appears likely , it only applies to the latter case , can it be invoked by any Member State or only by a Member State which voted against the legislation ?
26 This stands for Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering and erm under this scheme , a company erm can have a problem tackled by a research student working in a university and erm a supervisor , and indeed in this case , the input , the financial input , by the company may be quite small , may only amount to a few hundred pounds .
27 ( 6.5 ) unc provided x is free in no unc ( 6.6 ) unc provided x is free in no unc Note that it is possible to deal with cases where x is only declared in a few of the
28 Abandoned fawns have been reared on a bottle , only to die within a few months .
29 Unfortunately the cup was only awarded for a few years before that too disappeared .
30 But his tortured mind could only come to the same conclusion .
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