Example sentences of "only [verb] to [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 she pretended to leave the bwca alone one evening , only to creep to his door and eavesdrop on his singing :
2 She seemed to find it difficult to make friends , and the fact that she hardly ever wandered far from the house only added to her loneliness .
3 Even the deeds of valour , so proudly recorded , only added to her depression as she reminded herself that each was committed in response to yet one more example of man 's inhumanity to man .
4 By the time she reached the bottom the dragon had vanished , but this , far from mattering , only added to her amusement .
5 It was the same sensitive touch he brought to their lovemaking , and the knowledge only added to her store of love for him , for she saw how he was the sort of man who was all of a piece , mentally and physically , a complete human being , someone she could only admire , despite the hell he put her through .
6 However , the fact that the royal scholars had found conservative rather than revolutionary arguments to support their case only added to their appeal , and Henry read the Collectanea with interest and approval in the late summer of 1530 .
7 This had become a source of irritation to her companions and only added to their resentment .
8 The inherent exoticism of the place can have only added to its allure and , for those whose tastes tended in that direction , the soft purring caresses and total availability of the bar-girls must have seemed irresistible .
9 It was totally different from anything Sabine possessed in England , but that only added to its charm .
10 The fact that he might be taking a considerable risk only added to his excitement .
11 But the behaviour of Reverend Prentice has only added to his anguish .
12 The edginess of the others only added to his opinion of his own rectitude .
13 Labour MP Tam Dalyell yesterday said : ‘ The fact that these allegations are made in a book generally praising the conduct of British troops only adds to their seriousness .
14 But a stray recollection of a golliwog Maurice had given her for her fifth birthday undid the effect in an instant and she reached Swans ' Meadow with her eyes red and face blotchy from tears , only to find to her surprise that Ursula was in a similar condition .
15 Was he perhaps , an applicant for the Coniston lease earlier , only to find to his mortification that Roe had effected a fait accompli ?
16 There was no way they could avoid touching , and it only added to her torment of mind and spirit .
17 When Kitty said ‘ Oh , she wo n't really do that , ’ in an exasperated voice , it only added to his mystification .
18 In this case , Brenda not only accommodates to her father 's language variety ( Standard English , in terms of syntax ) but actually echoes his words in agreement in the first part of her turn .
19 He can not only bring to our remembrance what Jesus taught , but can reveal to us the deeper significance of his person , his death and resurrection which we could never have grasped by historical contemporaneity .
20 Choose your type of moisturiser , not only according to your skin type , but also in relation to the climate .
21 A bishop 's status was not only connected to his role in defining Christian society and to his monopolization of holy places and objects , but also based on legally conferred rights and obligations dating from the late Roman period .
22 Taking pills or powders for headaches and stomach upsets is only adding to your system 's toxicity .
23 The fact that Charlie managed to run a book on the side only contributed to his contentment and stability .
24 h he 's got a , he 's coming down from Edinburgh and he wants to call in and see me about something and I do n't know what because I 've only spoken to his secretary .
25 He was rarely home , even Pat only went to his flat three or four times .
26 I was my hair every other day and usually only go to my hairdresser before a party .
27 He was staring and trembling and his great-size seemed only to add to his air of stricken misery .
28 The affair seemed only to add to his status as folk hero .
29 In a cloak and dagger operation , he got in touch and insisted he could only come to her shop when there would be no other customers around .
30 A new baby would only add to her workload .
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