Example sentences of "only [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Until the 1950s , the news in daily papers had only limited competition from radio and virtually none from TV .
2 Compared with lifestyle and environment health services have only limited impact on life expectancy and health
3 Scattered around the London suburbs , or in provincial towns like Sheffield , Brighton and Bradford , these pioneers had only limited access to capital resources , and their companies never grew to any real size .
4 Yet as the responsibilities of public life invade Hal 's apprenticeship to pleasure , the distinction — prose with Falstaff/verse without him — breaks down , as we see when he addresses his fat friend in verse to urge him to the wars ( III.iii.199ff. ) , a change of tone so marked that Shakespeare makes Falstaff reply in a couplet — as Milton Crane noted , Falstaff is only given verse for mockery .
5 One wind turbine at Trimblemill on the Isle of Thurso , Scotland , only produces 7kW of power a year , but that is still enough to provide electricity for lights and appliances for the island population .
6 Readability researchers often emphasise that it is not possible to use a formula to assess difficulty at the individual sentence level ; a formula or graph can only make predictions about difficulty at a global level .
7 In future Castle will only make provision for amortisation of audio copyrights for permanent diminution in value .
8 As Bateson ( 1973 ) argues , the psychological frame appropriate in discussing play or games is more akin to a picture frame than to the logical frame of a mathematical set : what is outside the picture frame is irrelevant and one can only make judgements of comparison and contrast on matters within the frame .
9 Scott explained the choice of a modern radio magazine format to report on the events of 1944 : they all knew what a modern programme was like , but had only heard extracts from wartime broadcasts .
10 Most people would only eat bran with breakfast cereal .
11 Talks on privatising Deutsche Bundespost Telekom have entered a critical phase , with a key decision due next month , Germany 's postal and telecommunications minister Wolfgang Bosch told Reuter at Hannover on Friday : ‘ In a few weeks we will know whether or not there will be a change to the constitution , ’ he said , noting that decision will not only affect privatisation of Telekom but also Bonn 's position at the upcoming talks with the European Commission — an agreement on privatisation would pave the way for Bonn to approve the Community plan to open domestic and international telephone calls to competition ; the current strategy to get agreement from Germany 's opposition socialists is to win over the postal union , which so far rejects turning Telekom into a joint stock company for fear of massive job losses .
12 Sometimes this is built-in to the carpet in the form of a heavy foam backing which only needs layers of newspaper underneath it .
13 The deviation of the feminine term from the profession into other meanings partly reflects the assumed impossibility that women should occupy these positions , and the ensuing implication that women only occupy head of household positions by virtue of selling sexual services to men , whereas in the acting profession women are much more ‘ equal ’ .
14 Railway and port facilities will be needed and higher levels of mine mechanization if coal production is to achieve levels which not only supply 70% of energy demand but afford an opportunity for exports .
15 The shortage of cooking energy not only causes problems with nutrition , but also spreads disease .
16 These and other findings discussed by Johnston and McClelland ( 1980 ) not only provide evidence in favour of their model of visual word-recognition , but also evidence against other types of model .
17 We would only need cover for centre-half and of course we have big — bad — jon for that !
18 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
19 Cleveland 's game with Esh tomorrow night is not the only rearranged match in progress .
20 They are advised to choose the compulsory modules for an extra field , not only to encourage breadth of study but also to serve as a foundation for a possible change of field in the future .
21 The Packard Bell Elite 1000 comes with plenty of bundled software and sound support , but it only has 2Mb of RAM
22 This principle includes the need to see whether the professional or other body under scrutiny not only has rules of conduct , which will be thoroughly scrutinised within the statutory machinery , but also has an effective mechanism for enforcing the rules of conduct and is likely to enforce them .
23 Not only has experience before marriage been less so , also , has experience within marriage .
24 Let us assume the client only has £70 in retirement and works pensions .
25 Each of the ‘ sentences ’ in the network only has meaning in terms of its relations to other sentences , and each of these sentences only has meaning in relation to others , and so on .
26 The annual General Household Survey has only included questions on cohabitation since 1979 and estimates suggest that the proportion of women aged 18 to 49 years cohabiting has doubled from 3 per cent in 1979 to 6 per cent in 1987 .
27 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
28 But the convention only covers pollution at sea , whereas most coastal pollution arises inland , from industrial discharges , untreated sewage , fertiliser run-off and erosion .
29 This time round they were told they would not be able to enter the National Federation of Meat Traders bi-annual sausage competition at Harrogate as one of the sponsors , the Meat and Livestock Commission , held that they only provided sponsorship for mainland competitors .
30 We have a responsibility not only to provide businesses with access to information , but also with structures that enable them to talk to each other and to trade with the residential community ; and ,
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