Example sentences of "give off [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This portable burglar alarm will give off a loud shriek when it detects movement — good for unattended tents , caravans or boats , or just for extra security at night
2 Natural gas is a safe fuel , but did you know your gas appliances can give off a poisonous gas which can kill ?
3 Planck used the idea of quanta to explain why a red-hot piece of metal does n't give off an infinite amount of heat ; but he regarded quanta simply as a theoretical trick , one that did n't correspond to anything in physical reality .
4 Stuck with posters advertising the return of a group called Sttonehenge ( sic ) , ‘ Il Coraggio di Essere Giovani ’ , apricot coloured walls give off a lazy warmth .
5 After the gig , we mooch around the band 's dressing room and try to give off an inconspicuous vibe ( a hard one , since we 're the only ones that are n't stoned out of our gourds and do n't have accents that can hack their way through huge mountain ranges ) .
6 When the food was cooked , or the teapot filled , it could be kept hot by standing it further along the hob , and frequently the top of the little stove was filled with a variety of utensils each giving off a rich aroma , for Mrs Curdle was a great cook .
7 Remember though , that just setting the stove to maximum output and leaving it to run does n't mean that the stove is giving off a constant level of heat throughout the test .
8 Anteriorly the frontal ganglion gives off a frontal nerve which passes to the clypeus , and a pair of lateral roots connect the frontal ganglion with the tritocerebrum .
9 This is a good place , too , for the mat-like camomile ‘ Treneague ’ , which gives off a strong aroma as you tread it underfoot .
10 They may both be the most humble men in Christendom , but their fiction gives off a sulphurous whiff .
11 In particular , the period drum gives off a dismal rattle that haunts the slow movement and makes the transition to the first movement recapitulation even more arresting than usual .
12 It burns slowly when ignited and gives off a pleasing smell .
13 During contests he was as jumpy as a schoolgirl and gave off a static charge of nervous energy .
14 It gave off a fragrant smell which stirred my memory though I could not place it .
15 After a while a flickering light appeared in the distance and drew steadily nearer ; a torch-bearer came into view , a girl , wearing a long white gown which left her arms bare ; she carried aloft a burning torch which gave off a great deal of tarry smoke .
16 The dry bracken crackled beneath his feet and gave off a pungent aroma .
17 The bed itself had an old , lumpy mattress which gave off a faint odour of damp or rotting fabric — or perhaps it was the lingering smell of sheep .
18 A few emergency circuits gave off a faint glow .
19 And in the dark , when we lay beneath a single sheet and I gave off a Calabrian sweat , when the middle stretch of the night was shorter but still hard to get through — then , as I turned towards that loose S beside me , she would , with a soft murmur , try to lift the lost hair from the back of her neck .
20 The wool gave off a friendly smell of the dogs who had been lying on it .
21 This model gave off a steady hum that allowed it to be used indoors without disturbance to neighbours .
22 Beneath my bed my home-brew gave off a yeasty smell .
23 He climbed the ladder , holding up a cord taken from the throat of Hell which gave off a red light as it smouldered .
24 He was utterly amiable and without vice and he gave off a constant aura not merely of noxious vapours but of bonhomie .
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