Example sentences of "give up [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Give up sweets for Lent or something .
2 When he began writing again , he had given up realism for allegory about the conflict between , among other things , science and religion .
3 It is entirely coincidence that we have now given up pies for Lent .
4 To give up reason for revelation , he argued , is ‘ like putting out one 's eyes in order to look through a telescope ’ .
5 Mr Shamir has been hard at work consolidating his right-wing support and trying to win over independent conservatives ; he has reiterated his determination to keep the P L O out of any peace talks and has steadfastly refused to consider any deal which would involve giving up territory for peace .
6 And Locke warned against ‘ giving up reason for revelation ’ , which he associated with ‘ enthusiasm ’ ( a word that around 1700 meant ‘ fanaticism ’ ) .
7 Students may find lecturers less enthusiastic about giving up time for workshop advice .
8 One by one , governments gave up sovereignty for stability and acceded to the TAPIR .
9 Returning from Canton in May 1817 , Jardine gave up medicine for commerce , which he learned from Thomas Weeding , a London merchant and EIC agent .
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