Example sentences of "give we [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Can you give us a prescription for these ?
2 But by all means if you 've got something bring it along and that would give us a starter for five I 'm keen to see us also trying to once we 've got this going going down the S P Q road ah had lunch with the other day at I mean it was I mean she was n't meeting him necessarily wearing a B A I E hat of not um and I think she I think she touched on that though while while while they were lunching. erm I put down progress because I was thinking of the Pilgrims Progress at the time
3 In short , objective laws of human nature , combined with an assumption that actors are rational , can give us a map for explaining international relations .
4 It is further the case that the ethnographic features will give us a value for the deictic forms occurring in the utterance which was actually produced .
5 This will give us a basis for quantifying the size of the market over the next decade .
6 just going to Palace Brook Castle , she 's not really sure she might just give us a pound for erm .
7 These variable data give us a basis for examining processes of change , since they suggest initially that either the higher or lower variants are innovatory , or — more properly — that the direction of change is either raising or lowering of /Ε/.;
8 We need a win to restore our pride in the competition and give us a boost for Saturday 's game against Peterborough . ’
9 Money is power in our society ; give us a wage for our housework , and then we will have power . ’
10 I says you 're the man told u give us the key for Black 's Row and told us that
11 ‘ We must set up processes of measurement which give us the basis for improvement targetting and monitoring progress .
12 Theyll have to give us the trophy for keeps if we win it again in the next quarter century .
13 the other one gave us a quote for three hundred and eighty eight
14 She gave us an IOU for three million pounds and told us to get lost .
15 THE biggest Christmas casualty is the person whose birth gave us the excuse for rejoicing .
16 But anyway we , they must have been so impressed by the , the order that they got , that they gave us the agency for Galashiels and Selkirk for the Austin .
17 The loose-leaf format gives us a vehicle for recycling suitable parts of the backlist and for offering new materials in packs from which the customer can choose on a mix-'n'-match basis .
18 It also gives us a date for the great change : the abandonment of archaic conventions ( which we have seen being worked towards for some decades ) and the creation of the new , classical , style .
19 In this way , social network gives us a model for demonstrating how states of language are maintained through normative consensus within the communities , leaving external influences out of the argument at this stage .
20 Its truthful and intimate style gives us no reason for supposing that we are seeing anything other than Handel at home — his own comfortable and well worn chair , his own clothes and his own table .
21 ‘ We 've both been working so hard that this break has given us the opportunity for a second honeymoon , ’ he told her smoothly .
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