Example sentences of "give [pos pn] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
2 I mean York City Council will obviously er Mr Curtis will obviously give his views on the situation , erm the particular issue that seems to have changed the mind of York City Council is the reference in P P G thirteen , transport to sizes of new settlement not being erm er desirable in in in transport terms , small scale resettlements .
3 Some 20 distinguished scientists give their views on the involvement of scientists with war in general and the arms race in particular .
4 I have been asked to give my views on the most important events and changes in the ‘ domain of art and artistic culture ’ over the last ten years , which I have agreed to do , as much out of friendship for the Giornale dell'Arte ( and its editor ) as out of vanity ( let's be honest ) .
5 She looked , however , as if she was fairly determined to give her views on the matter , but before she could start on the Why do they come over here if they do n't like it ? speech or her I believe in respecting people 's religious feelings but would die to defend their right to disagree with me speech , Maisie came round the door .
6 These women are not being asked to give their views on the position of women in society , abortion rights , state funding for crèches , etc .
7 " The Chairman after a few remarks called upon Mr. Borland to read his Essay on " Labour , " after which all the Members in rotation were requested to give their views on the subject .
8 Michael Slater , industry guru and editor and publisher of the US journal , Microprocessor Report , in London last week to give his views on the RISC marketplace , had some disparaging comments to make about Intel Corp 's and Digital Equipment Corp 's RISC processor offerings .
9 As you know , we were most disappointed not to have been invited to give our views on the above consultation paper earlier this year .
10 In the next issue I shall be giving my findings on the diverse range of cordless power-tools sampled , with a few performance statistics , including a simple drill test .
11 and other various tosspots who were sort of giving her pats on the back and they were making all sorts of slurping noises about her , were n't they ? erm salivating
12 Throughout his life , Agnew could not speak and relied entirely on sign language and fingerspelling , but was a highly articulate man — he penned a great number of articles in Scottish and national newspapers giving his views on the introduction of oralism into British schools .
13 Write to your MP , giving your views on the subject .
14 And naturally they gave their opinions on the new Mrs Arbuthnot .
15 And surely any dramatist ought to be able to move us with that final night of Holly 's life , when his musicians ( including Waylon Jennings ) gave their places on the ‘ plane to the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens .
16 A further paragraph in this message in which the State Department gave its views on the proposal to hand-over the Cossacks we shall come to in Chapter Six , but in respect of the Yugoslavs the State Department was ruling that , whether they were Chetniks or not in conformity with agreed allied policy they should not be handed over and the Supreme Allied Commander was to be left in no doubt of the State Department 's view .
17 John Coles , chairman of the British Egg Industry Council , gives his views on the challenges facing the industry in the 1990s
18 The morning session was concluded by John Davis who gave his views on the future of the European display scene .
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