Example sentences of "give [noun pl] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have given thanks for the brave and selfless work done by many British men and women who face dangerous circumstances every day .
2 Creative Technology Ltd , Singapore has now formally sound-blasted its planned offering of 5m shares , 2m of them new , but does not give plans for the indicated $52m or so net proceeds .
3 I must admit , some of you probably were brought up on Meccano , and certainly not in the mo mo more sophisticated technology we 've got at the moment , but the point is , a lot of these have n't really seen this part of what I call the basic technology itself and er , it was interesting because we were trying to build up some kind of game for their summer fair and the game was quite obviously er , you know er propel a ping-pong into a er series of slots with er , bit like bingo to a certain extent , where you can actually er give prizes for the various holes you could actually penetrate and things like that .
4 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
5 When I think of my previous existence — of all I thought I could reasonably expect of the rest of my life , an allowed place at the extreme corner of someone 's drawing-room carpet , a Servant 's garret or no better , I give thanks for every little thing , which is unspeakably dear to me .
6 Other maps , given at appropriate points in the text , give layouts for the other parts of the Castle .
7 We have to give thanks for the magnificent giving to the Camphill Project .
8 The review can be used either ( i ) to give judgment for the plaintiff if the district judge thinks fit where the defendant admits the plaintiff 's claim or fails to appear , or ( ii ) to give instructions for the future conduct of the action .
9 In our own celebrations this Christmas , may we join with Mary in giving thanks for the amazing gift of human life .
10 We could try harder and do better by specifying certain electrical facts , an ignition temperature for a material , and so on-in general by giving conditions for the particular chemical reaction of combustion that occurred-but there is no need .
11 In rather the same way the practice of giving hostages for the due execution of a treaty , quite common in the distrustful atmosphere of the sixteenth century , was last seen in operation in 1748 , when two British peers were sent to Paris as guarantees of the restitution by Britain of the conquests she had made in north America at the expense of France .
12 Watkins also gives meanings for the obsolete word ‘ leye ’ as , firstly , an island , and secondly , flame , blaze or fire , both , as we have seen , relating to the laying out of the old straight track .
13 Such a material might be produced by rolling or by the type of lateral crystallization found with the " shish-kebab " structure formed in stirred polymer solutions , Walpole ( 1969 ) gives formulae for the elastic constants of arrays of disc-like inclusions while the author ( 1976 ) has calculated the longitudinal elastic properties of the two-dimensional " lamellar stack " model ( Figure 4.7 ) , which has applications to the morphologies found in drawn and rolled polymers as well as to laminates made of two polymers co-extruded into multilayer sheets .
14 Divorce proceedings were instituted in the Ontario court and , on 2 July 1991 , at an interlocutory hearing the judge gave directions for the substantive hearing in August 1991 and granted the wife interim custody of the child with access to the father .
15 On 2 July 1991 the judge gave directions for the substantive hearing , which was to be dealt with by hearing oral evidence .
16 The Chairman gave orders for the military helicopter to fly the scientist back to Baghdad .
17 Mr. Tucker gave instructions for the necessary security documents to be prepared .
18 However , if GPs were given budgets for the whole range of patient care for their patients , various problems could arise including incentives to undersupply , especially if GPs were permitted to retain budgetary savings .
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