Example sentences of "give [art] same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , it can be understood as recommending that one live in such ; way that the various aspects of one 's being are given the same degree of power as they have of innate authority .
2 John Popham , a parliamentary agent representing 13 local residents who have petitioned against the bill , believes that ‘ residents of Newport should be given the same degree of protection as the government has decided is necessary for property owners in Cardiff ’ .
3 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
4 The broadcasting of discussions and debates between politicians of widely different positions takes place regularly and , when interviewed , critics of the Federal Government appear to be given the same kind of deferential treatment as Federal spokesmen .
5 Mice receiving lower mediastinal irradiation ( L ) were given the same dose of radiation to the same sized but adjacent field ( T5-T10 ) .
6 So why was n't Davies , who worked miracles with such meagre resources at Nottingham ( as has become more and more apparent this season ) and had a near unblemished record as England ‘ B ’ coach , given the same opportunity at the top level that Best has now been given ?
7 Lesley wants sexual equality , but does n't believe attitudes have yet changed enough : ‘ We do n't yet have true equality ; until we do , women will have to overstress themselves and overprove themselves just to be given the same level of respect as their male peers .
8 This means you are not given the same level of initial impetus .
9 Would n't you , ’ she queried vehemently , ‘ given the same set of circumstances ? ’
10 Not that , given the same set of circumstances , she could see how Cara would have fared any better .
11 Obviously , a sensible consumer should not be surprised that , given the same number of weeks to pay , an increase in any one measure of cost is paralleled by increases in the other two measures .
12 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
13 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
14 Magistrates will be given the same immunity over their actions in court as judges now enjoy .
15 Magistrates will be given the same immunity from claims for costs or damages over their actions in court as judges now enjoy .
16 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
17 As a trivial example , one student may have scored five out of ten on his arithmetic test by answering the five additions correctly and the five subtractions incorrectly while his/her friend is given the same score for precisely the converse performance !
18 As protection , the floating charge holder is given the same priority with respect to any property representing directly or indirectly the property disposed of as he would have had with respect to the property subject to the floating charge .
19 Is n't it time that members standing for C E C elections were given the same equality with Regional Secretaries , who as we all know , all year round , in all regions , when a leaflet or a booklet goes out to members , in most of them there is a photograph of the Regional Secretary .
20 But erm quite frankly I ca n't see myself ever getting given the same sort of circumstances .
21 We would give the same construction to the comparable provisions in the other mortgage deeds .
22 They just could n't give the same level of service . ’
23 ‘ Academics get on by publishing papers and TCS by it 's very nature is n't research ; it 's technology transfer and does n't give the same opportunity for publishing …
24 ‘ Academics get on by publishing papers and TCS by it 's very nature is n't research ; it 's technology transfer and does n't give the same opportunity for publishing …
25 The 1952 Works Constitution Law spread workers ' powers more widely across German industry , although this act did not give the same degree of influence as was provided in the coal and steel industries .
26 Friends who are very dissimilar may not give the same thing to each other , but what each gives can sometimes be even richer for this : it can make up for the other 's deficits .
27 At least a similar number give the same service to the sport in our thirteen regions nationwide .
28 Give the same treatment to gravel and ash paths .
29 Under normal circumstances these different rhythms give the same information about external time ; that is , they reinforce one another .
30 Give the same number to Jonathan to Michael as you give to yourself .
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