Example sentences of "give [art] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you had done as I said , and given the keys to the princess , you would now be dressed in silk , sitting at her left hand .
2 Erm but erm that 's a , a very important point and er just remember that you have actually given the money to the other partner , technically in terms of tax anyway , and er that er can , can have an affect on things .
3 ‘ I wish you had not given the money to the Moslems . ’
4 Well , they 've they 've given the money to the appeal .
5 As a result of these anti-avoidance provisions , the foreign business carve-out is excluded , and the general COB Rules apply in relation to the customer concerned , where : ( 1 ) A UK office executes a transaction with or for a UK private customer on the instructions of a non-UK office ; or ( 2 ) A UK office gives investment advice in relation to any transaction to a non-UK office , which the non-UK office passes on to ( or uses for the benefit of ) a UK private customer if ( in either case ) : ( a ) the UK office itself transmitted the order to a non-UK office of the firm ( even if a different one from that instructing it ) ; ( b ) the UK office has itself advised the customer in relation to the transaction concerned ( and the customer has then directly or indirectly given the order to the non-UK office which deals through the UK office ) ; or ( c ) the UK office has advised the customer to deal through or seek advice from a non-UK office of the firm ( even if the relevant prescribed disclosure was made ) .
6 The South African Rugby Football Union has accepted an invitation to tour France in October and has also given the nod to the RFU invitation .
7 The report was necessarily a compromise , given the opposition to a powerful full employment policy .
8 The Government should be fighting hard , especially given the importance to the economy generally , and of jobs in particular , to ensure that the bank 's location is established even as the European monetary institute is established .
9 Given the importance to the region of such a project , and the facts that 90 per cent .
10 Given the commitment to the arts which is a central feature of Rawlins , I welcome the inclusion of the arts as a foundation element : it strengthens our hand , though why just music and art are specified I do not know , but we can get around that unless SEAC imposes unrealistic demands and arbitrarily forces students into choosing just one specialism for GCSE certification : we must have flexible ( eg modular type ) arrangements to allow us to offer what is best for our students .
11 Given the costs to the individual voter of acquiring this kind of information , it is not surprising that intermediaries have emerged .
12 None of his staff had given the information to the news agency and the explanation was accepted .
13 At home we were soon given the answer to a question which had been puzzling us : Who had saved us ?
14 But Carlisle city planners say the site presents no danger to the river because strict conditions will ensure waste products are handled correctly and they have given the go-ahead to the scheme .
15 Agriculture minister John Gummer has given the go-ahead to the establishment of a new Central Science Laboratory on a greenfield site at Sand Hutton , near York .
16 The Chinese government has given the go-ahead to the building of a controversial dam across the Yangtze river as a means of controlling the annual flooding in central and eastern China .
17 In order to publicise his efforts to redesign and brighten up the Champs Elysées , the Mayor of Paris , Jacques Chirac , has given the go-ahead to an open air exhibition devised jointly by his own City Hall and gallery owner Didier Imbert .
18 The spectacle of a White-dominated state defying Afro-Asian opinion may have given the impulse to the decision to fly to Vietnam .
19 ‘ Paddy Ashdown has given the kiss-of-life to an ailing Prime Minister , ’ said Labour front-bencher John Prescott .
20 He asked me if I could arrange for somebody thoroughly trustworthy to visit the premises , telling me that he had given the key to a neighbour .
21 Although Blake may have given the impression to the prison authorities that he had accepted his sentence and settled down to serve it ( it would surely have been odd had he done otherwise ) , in reality neither he nor the KGB had any intention of him remaining in prison a day longer than necessary .
22 So that would give the publicity to the companies as certainly as the bearing as well , this I 've just had this made .
23 The next day I went to the State Bank , and there I was told , ‘ That 's fine , only we ca n't give the money to the person here .
24 It would be beneficial to warn people to change their ‘ alien ’ notes to familiar currency during the Christmas period so they know where they are and do not give the opportunity to the fast buck merchants of lining their nests .
25 If someone dies in hospital the health authority may give the certificate to the registrar who attends the hospital but , again , someone must attend the registration office .
26 We 'll give the story to the newspapers , and they 'll tell the world about it .
27 ‘ We 'll give the story to the newspapers , ’ said Pete 's soft voice in Washington .
28 I take this to mean that there is an equality , a reciprocity between the aesthetic and the political such that an aesthetic dimension or response can give the lie to a political claim .
29 And the way Sir William treated him did n't give the lie to the notion .
30 What you quickly learned was not to sit on the end of the row , because the usherettes would pass the trays down the row and as soon as everybody was served they 'd give the nod to the projectionist , the lights would go down again , and on the film would go .
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