Example sentences of "give [noun] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The findings of the study , establishing a link between between pollution and chest and lung problems , has given support to communities throughout the country fighting for compensation .
2 We 've given money to organisations like the RSPB , Greenpeace , the Woodland Trust and Working Weekends on Organic Farms . ’
3 This has given rise to speculation about the origins of such territorial units and the rationale behind the siting of cemeteries .
4 THE acoustics at the Anglican Cathedral have often given rise to speculation about its suitability for Philharmonic concerts .
5 Ever since the Industrial Revolution created a mass urban society , the conditions of the poorest city dwellers have given rise to anxiety among the better off .
6 The consistent failure to implement findings has given rise to cynicism regarding research .
7 Secondly , that transfer must have given rise to rights in the individual who makes it .
8 Financial collapses , major frauds , litigation , environmental responsibility , all have understandably given rise to demands for companies to strengthen their control over their business and their public accountability .
9 But the procedures for establishing relief are cumbersome and have given rise to delays in settling a Name 's tax liability .
10 IT IS shameful that some people are saying Britain should not give sanctuary to refugees from the civil war in Yugoslavia .
11 For all people , that they may give glory to God for the gifts of speech , hearing and sight which make communication possible , and for the audiovisual media which nourish these gifts in new and marvellous ways .
12 As Fig. 24 illustrates , the basic pattern can give rise to others by changes in the phase difference between the stepping sequences of right and left sides .
13 While this may be a means of sharing responsibilities and caring , it may also give rise to tensions in overcrowded households .
14 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
15 ( a ) The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 41 , on which the 1968 Act was based , envisaged that some fact situations would give rise to liability under both ss.1 and 15 .
16 Most of this legislation is of a ‘ regulatory ’ nature and does not give rise to liability in damages .
17 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
18 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
19 For example , leakage of charged particles into the upper atmosphere of a planet can give rise to emissions of em radiation called aurora .
20 To proceed without doing so would give rise to conflicts of interest which could impede the proper performance of his duties .
21 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
22 The hardware used for data collection can also give rise to differences in recognition performance .
23 The Inland Revenue , however , has acknowledged that the delay in receiving their Lordships ' decision could give rise to difficulties for employers completing forms P11D ( return of employees ' expenses and benefits ) for 1991/92 and 1992/93 .
24 In some countries , particularly Germany where companies have a two-tier board , the corporate structure may give rise to difficulties in changing management , which may obstruct the running of a newly acquired business for the benefit of the whole group .
25 The application of such a rule can undoubtedly give rise to difficulties in certain sets of circumstances , but so can the suggested rule that economic loss may be recovered provided it is directly consequential on physical damage .
26 Since ‘ compliance ’ is an administrative definition and since production or treatment processes can constantly give rise to changes in water quality , field men must be ever-vigilant in the face of uncertainty .
27 In a brief to me and my colleagues , my local authority wrote : ’ In addition , because of its very nature as a combined personal/property tax , movements of individuals within a household will inevitably give rise to changes in liability .
28 It was inevitable that the shift of leadership from the PLO outside to UNLU should give rise to thoughts of a split in Palestinian ranks , between the ‘ inside ’ and ‘ outside ’ .
29 Defamations which endanger the peace by being couched in threatening , abusive or insulting language may be prosecuted under the Public Order Act , and most poison-pen letters can give rise to charges under the provisions of the Post Office Act 1953 or the Malicious Communication Act 1988 .
30 Yalden & Yalden were able to calculate correction factors which could take this differential loss into account , but clearly this could give rise to problems in interpreting predator assemblages .
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