Example sentences of "people [vb base] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Devil 's spawn , black hearts with rhythm in their souls who jeer at the weaknesses of little people unfit to lick the dirt from their boots .
2 The Devil 's spawn , black hearts with rhythm in their souls who jeer at the weaknesses of little people unfit to lick the dirt from their boots .
3 But people tend to confuse the fact that one may be able to guess what an individual is likely to choose with the notion that the choice is not free .
4 Furthermore , many people tend to collapse the distinction between the two natures .
5 There is also evidence that younger people expect to transfer the source of their main emotional support to their spouse when they marry .
6 She said : ‘ We do have a large level of donation to the unit because people want to give the money to us .
7 Even though it is a valuable export , some people want to stop the industry spreading with more and larger pits and waste tips .
8 ‘ We reckon that there were about 14,500 Derry supporters at the semi-final and of course a lot more people want to see the final , ’ points out Patsy , ‘ However , we only receive 2,000 stand and 7,000 terrace tickets so you can see the extent of the problem we face . ’
9 People want to enjoy the company of like-minded fellows .
10 But sometimes in the health service people want to make the clock crawl round and contemplate years of discussion before implementing such obvious improvements as a new system of financial management . ’
11 It is a phrase that I think ought to be recited wherever people meet to discuss the future of farming , and recited with special emphasis on the words ‘ mild ’ and ‘ continuous ’ .
12 It is when that figure falls below one-quarter that people begin to use the term ‘ modular ’ , ‘ unit-credit ’ , or its colloquial equivalents such as building-block , cafeteria , pick n'mix ( or worse ) .
13 Erm but one of the things that I am doing is over the next quarter with , various people begin to review the cleaning schedules of what they actually do , whether we clean them on a on a more frequent basis rather than just responding that particular area .
14 Acceptance , as used here , means that people begin to absorb the experience into their everyday life so that it can be coped with instead of dominating their every thought .
15 It 's so successful that many people seem to miss the point .
16 People seem to take the party for granted , as they now do the unity accord , which they were talking gratefully about in November last .
17 People seem to like the vintage vibe the 555 has .
18 But the alcohol in ale is all-important to the taste , so most people seem to regard the nablab version as a drink of last resort only . ’
19 Despite its popularity , few people seem to know the origin of the term .
20 It is clear from this survey that elderly people continue to need the affirmation of self which sexual expression can bring .
21 This year the scheme has won a grant from Children in Need but the cheque will be sent back if local people continue to snub the event , she added .
22 Black people continue to bear the brunt of racial violence , oppressive policing and fascist activity .
23 Some people try to use the escape hatch of saying that the problem is a religious one , but it is not , although there are substantial religious overtones .
24 Hands are joined as the people turn to face the church and , raising their hands , shout ‘ God bless our church ’ three times .
25 Greig explores the way in which people choose to remember the past through the reactions of the boy 's sister ( her angry rejection ) , the boy 's lover ( her confused sadness ) , and the impartial perspective of a young girl 's view from 1989 .
26 As more people choose to enjoy the horse for leisure and sporting activities , the British Equine Event will bring together everyone with a serious interest and involvement in horses .
27 As more people choose to enjoy the horse for leisure and sporting activities , the Event will bring together everyone with a serious interest and involvement in horses , and those with the land and resources who may wish to utilise them for a new equine business .
28 Many people choose to start the walk going south from Douglas , the island 's capital .
29 This is where many people choose to start the walk around one of the oldest geological areas in Britain — there is a large car park near the one mile long beach .
30 People start to experience the world very differently .
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