Example sentences of "people [vb base] [verb] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Western society seems cold and people seem to care only for money .
2 His friend remarked that , ‘ All sorts of people get run in for motoring offences .
3 People do go away for Christmas .
4 Yes , I 'm not denying , you know , that people do go abroad for their holidays
5 Those people have lived here for about two years and they 'll still say ‘ I 've got to go home because my old man wants his dinner . ’
6 Over 900 of them said : ‘ It should have come a long time ago — very few people have done more for charity , public service and their Party than you have ’ .
7 In the past ten years , Japanese people have gone overboard for squid , consuming half a million tonnes annually .
8 Those people have stood up for justice , despite the abuse that they received from the public .
9 Right , erm so we 'll er just start with a quick erm er look round what people have decided on for investment er in individual cases .
10 More than 120 people have signed up for the six courses and a regular programme of similar events is now likely to be organised at the Wivenhoe Park campus , near Colchester .
11 Already 18 people have signed up for the competition and it is hoped it will be a fitting tribute to one of the club 's favourite performers .
12 Already 18 people have signed up for the competition and it is hoped it will be a fitting tribute to one of the club 's favourite performers .
13 . All these people have tried out for the new series .
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