Example sentences of "people [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This bond held despite the massive immigration into America after the 1840s of peoples who had nothing in common with England , let alone with the Puritan and Protestant traditions .
2 ‘ No , my lord , ’ ( such courtesy again , and such artful courtesy too , as we shall see ! ) ‘ hear me ; I give you the field , and I give you the cave that is in it ; in the presence of the sons of my people I give it to you ; bury your dead . ’
3 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
4 In addition to the cultural blocks there is a spiritual blindness in the hearts and minds of people which prevents them from hearing the Good News .
5 A couple of years ago this kind of scenario seemed plausible to thousands of people who committed themselves to self-build co-operatives .
6 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
7 ‘ It was your people who got him into this , ’ he persisted .
8 There are still unanswered Questions about whether the people who got us into it can now get us out .
9 Julia was touched by the number of people who congratulated her on her recovery as she made her way with her cushion to her allotted seat at the end of the press benches , and gave several brief accounts of her illness to people who asked .
10 The most telling personal images are captured by simple cameras in the hands of people who know nothing about photography .
11 It 's no good having people who know nothing about qualitative research applying their yardsticks of experimental science to all types of research .
12 Because , what you 're going back to , just reemphasizing the point earlier , you 're speaking one-to-one , you 're not trying to convince a , a group of , of , of councillors , you 're trying to actually convey a message and , yes , you 're trying to convince , but you 're actually trying to convey a message doing one-to-one interview , across to people who know nothing about it , whereas councillors purport to know something about it .
13 Microsoft 's simple arithmetic adds up to 25,000 people who know something about NT .
14 MES : ‘ I think it 's quite sympathetic , compared to the glorification by people who know nowt about soccer .
15 It means God 's saving grace working through individuals and communities of people who know him as Saviour and Lord to influence a wider society .
16 People who know everything about some little subject , do n't you , Ivy ? ’ 'No , I do n't .
17 He is willing to extend his generosity to people who mean something to him or are of the same religion .
18 The people who inhabit this world are people like us , people who pass us in the street .
19 subsequently after about ten flights , and porting over the books , and speaking to people who serviced them during the war years , they discovered that all it needed was a well-placed whack with a hammer on the trailing edge of the aileron .
20 Without doubt , the construction of such a hegemonic bloc for socialist objectives must involve winning the support of many people who regard themselves as ‘ middle class ’ or of no class , many who have never considered themselves socialists , many who are not members of trade unions , by colonising and re-defining the notion of the popular or national interest ( while avoiding chauvinism and the opportunistic erasure of real social differences ) .
21 The key to a good use is that it brings people to the building who value it for its beauty and appreciate and enjoy its surroundings — not simply people who regard it as an opportunity to acquire a large amount of cheap floor space .
22 , is officially described as office cleaner , but became much more than that to the people who knew her during her 33 years with the company .
23 They were the first to say that they would prefer to trust all this to people who knew something about education .
24 Ca n't think why we 've stuck so long with people who knew something about the job . ’
25 McKenzie , who has never been in trouble before , was described by people who knew him as a pleasant individual .
26 For those who are familiar with Lewis 's literary persona , as for the much smaller number of people who knew him in life , his acceptance of an orthodox Christian position seems in an almost literal sense fitting .
27 Two small signals in the night , affirmations of existence from two groups of people who knew nothing of Ted or of each other .
28 They listened to people who knew nothing about the game , to people who exploited them , people who taught them the wrong things .
29 The internal contradictions of Polish society were revealed by external invasion , and — particularly in Pomerania and Danzig — people who felt themselves to be marginal to Polish life either succumbed slowly and reluctantly or embraced the new identities on offer with enthusiasm .
30 There are thousands of employees ( if not millions ) who are indifferent to the people who keep them in jobs .
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