Example sentences of "people [verb] [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Should n't we be opening our universities to older people , for people to come back for a second dose as it were , for retraining and so on ?
2 Maybe a couple of dozen people show up for the party ; about half locals — mostly men , though there 's one married couple and a pair of single girls — and half travellers , New Age hippies from various scattered buses and vans parked in lay-bys and the highway equivalent of oxbows , where corners or short , twisty lengths of old roads have been replaced with more direct stretches .
3 The more the Major Government is seen to be drifting and accident prone , the more people scan around for a strong helmsman .
4 Two thousand , seven hundred people turned up for the opening session of Object World ‘ 92 in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago , Katy Ring was one of them .
5 Liverpool City Council 's leisure services department believe more than 30,000 people turned out for a thrilling 20-minute extravaganza .
6 Hundreds of people turned out for the funeral of the PC Patrick Dunne , who was shot dead on duty in South London .
7 They 're asking people to look out for the substances which were in a large grey plastic box .
8 People jump about for a bit but then having offered you
9 His stars are real , the issues are real and , yes , the pauses those emotional , heart-felt mental delays when people open up for the cameras they , too , are so very , very real .
10 Actually there are quite a few infuriating people went out for a drink what are you having to drink and she said oh whatever you 're having
11 For several weeks Iranian media have been exhorting people to turn out for the demonstration .
12 When people go out for the night they like to come away with being entertained .
13 At the end of the day 550 people sat down for a superb dinner in the marquee , prepared by and his team , where the trophies and prizes from the Grand Draw were presented , followed by a disco .
14 ‘ We ca n't afford to have people lingering around for a recuperative holiday …
15 Some people work up for a lifetime to cross the Channel and then get published in a magazine .
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