Example sentences of "also be [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not only have teachers had a very extensive training , they can also be much more objective in seeing the cause of any problem .
2 If one believes the prediction of the inflationary cosmology , that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value above which it recollapses , then there must also be unclustered dark matter as even the dark matter in galaxies and clusters has too small a density to account for this .
3 The quality of the labour supply in the cities might also be another important factor for high unemployment .
4 There will also be spontaneous small group work , with the teacher maybe intervening in role , or staying out of role , commenting , spotlighting work for others to see .
5 There may also be some sex-linked predisposition to developmental disorders such as enuresis , encopresis and retarded reading as these tend to occur more often in boys than girls .
6 For copying to be proved , the test is as follows : a ) there must be a sufficient objective similarity between the two works ( an objective issue — that is , would the " reasonable man " consider the two works sufficiently similar ) , and b ) there must also be some causal connection between the two works ( a subjective question but not to be presumed as a matter of law merely upon proof of access ) .
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