Example sentences of "also give [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 DRG 's property assets have also given rise to argument .
2 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
3 The hardware used for data collection can also give rise to differences in recognition performance .
4 " Part of a building " can also give rise to problems .
5 While this may be a means of sharing responsibilities and caring , it may also give rise to tensions in overcrowded households .
6 Thus a government which while adhering to the rule of law narrowly defined , flouted all or most of the practices generally thought to be covered by the rule of law broadly defined would also give rise to doubts about its legitimacy .
7 The explanations in ( 8 ) , ( 9 ) and ( 10 ) are concerned with physical events , but psychological phenomena can also give rise to explanations in different modes , as in ( 11 ) , ( 12 ) and ( 13 ) :
8 Second , it must arise in circumstances which also give rise to proceedings already or simultaneously brought before an industrial tribunal .
9 I read carefully all of the somewhat defensive Book Tokens publicity material but , like his reactionary letter , it did nothing to lessen my conviction that a gentle broadening of advertising emphasis from the safely converted — adults buying for children — to embrace the message that tokens also give pleasure to adults could only be beneficial .
10 In addition , this was at a time when Coenwulf , king of the Mercians , was also giving protection to opponents of Eardwulf .
11 The Queen has accepted a Sun newspaper apology over the premature publication of her Christmas broadcast.The paper is also giving £200,000 to charity .
12 Religion also gives answers to questions that science can not account for , such as the beginning of the world .
13 He also gives sanctuary to Tom Gradgrind , and arranges for Childers to see him safely aboard the ship that is to take him to foreign parts .
14 ‘ The mayor also gives jobs to people from other villages if they 're good football players .
15 Jordanhill also gives priority to students from sparsely populated areas in its hostel ; offers a Gaelic option in its Primary Diploma course and is associated with the Western Isles Bilingual Project .
16 Saga publishes a booklet , Saving and Spending on Longer Holidays Abroad , which not only details the savings householders of any age can expect to make while they take an extended holiday , but also gives advice to pensioners on how to ensure they get their pension while they winter abroad .
17 She also gave birth to CRONUS , the first ruler of Olympus , the Titans and the Cyclops .
18 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
19 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
20 The same incident also gave rise to complaints by a number of members of the public in respect of the conduct of several police officers who had attended it .
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