Example sentences of "also be [verb] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now I work for a local authority so I 've got a big interest in this , but I 've also been involved as John will remember in a strike .
2 The similarly large increase in recorded crime in many countries in the second half of the twentieth century has also been cited as support for this theory , which has strongly influenced interpretations of crime in the contemporary Third World .
3 Michael Manley , who had resigned as Prime Minister for health reasons in March and had also been replaced as leader of the ruling People 's National Party ( PNP ) [ see p. 38808 ] , gave up his parliamentary seat in mid-April .
4 Language units have also been developed as part of Higher National Certificates ( HNCs ) and Higher National Diplomas ( HNDs ) and these may be offered as free-standing courses as well as contributing to other courses such as business studies and hospitality management .
5 Another example found amongst cremated bone in an urn from the cemetery at Girton ( Cambridgeshire ) has also been identified as Cypraea tigris L .
6 The lane has also been known as Thornton Street , when an inn — Thornton 's inn — was located there .
7 The last mill in the area is Colebrook Mill , which has also been known as Strattons Mill .
8 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
9 In this sense the Australian compulsory arbitration system , although a form of statutory regulation , may also be regarded as part of a collective bargaining system ( Clegg , 1976 ) .
10 The connections and friendships of Surrealism can also be instanced as opportunities for advocacy .
11 Danish may also be studied as part of European Community Studies .
12 These languages and their related cultures may also be studied as components of the MA(General) .
13 Diagrams , graphs , etc. may also be given as hand-outs .
14 They may also be seen as payments to compensate for culture shock .
15 Despite the crises of the period 1945–50 , these years can also be seen as ones of great opportunity .
16 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
17 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
18 The Contagious Diseases Acts , alongside their formal aim , can also be seen as part of the legal effort to contain this occupational and geographical mobility .
19 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
20 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
21 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
22 This last point was still valid two centuries later , as referred to in a report by the governor of the Varaždin district in 1737 : ‘ diese granitz nicht allein als ein antemurale contra Turcam , sed etiam contra Hungarum in casu rebellionis anzusehen ist ’ ( 'this frontier is not only a defensive outwork against the Turk , but can also be seen as protection in case of rebellion in Hungary' ) .
23 The penalties for indecent assault prior to 1985 may also be seen as confirmation of a difference in attitude towards sexual assaults against men and women .
24 As can be seen from Fig. 7 , this slope can also be written as ΔI/ΔY .
25 Time to install application — number of minutes taken to install application on target machine , which should also be noted as MHz of CPU and Hard Disk access time is also relevant in installation time .
26 Studies where ecological variation or other contrasts within the range of a study population occurs can also be cited as evidence for the influence of one ecological factor or another .
27 They can also be grown as waterside plants .
28 Solicitors are appointed as county prosecutors , and they can also be appointed as prosecutors for the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise .
29 Thus this topic may also be treated as part of that dealing with attitudes and identities .
30 ABOVE Tombstones and other carved monuments such as these remains of early Christian crosses can also be treated as finds even if they are still in their original positions .
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