Example sentences of "also [be] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The memory loss we all begin to experience with age may result from a similar impairment of the cholinergic system , which may also be altered in Alzheimer 's disease .
2 I have tried to argue that the principle does not succeed in this task , and moreover that a great deal of philosophy would also be rejected by Ayer 's approach .
3 Special mention must also be made of Jane 's children — Katie , Alex and Rory — who were extremely patient and very good companions .
4 Use will also be made of BNFL 's expertise and technical skills , both at Sellafield and in the company 's bio-analytical and cytogenetic laboratories recently relocated at Westlakes .
5 Some comparison will also be made with Paris and Bonn .
6 Many internal and international flights can also be made into Manchester Airport , located 57 miles south-west of Bradford .
7 Why he did not sustain the promise of the works of the 1890s is not clear , though it is certainly connected with the change to a much more conservative and less experimental architectural climate in Britain in the 1900s , when there was a revival of baroque and French Renaissance architecture ; it may also be to do with Townsend 's own equivocal and confused attitude towards the value of architectural traditions .
8 CPRW believes this approach must also be adopted around Anglesey , Pembrokeshire , Gower and Lundy .
9 Most of this plutonium will be produced in Britain and France , though some could also be separated in Russia and possibly Japan .
10 Depending on the size of the specimen chamber , rock slices can also be examined under CL .
11 He might also be likened to Montgomery , in that he judged this ‘ definitive effort ’ could not take place until there was certainty of success ; until the attacking force had three-to-one superiority .
12 Pacific Telesis Group Inc 's Pacific Bell unit named Northern Telecom Ltd as its primary vendor for its five-year $650m project to deploy Synchronous Optical Network equipment : the Canadian will supply S/DMS TransportNode OC-3 , OC-12 and OC-48 network equipment to handle local loop and inter-office communications requirements and the equipment will also be incorporated into Pacific Bell 's Asynchronous Transfer Mode broadband network ; the Baby Bell said that the investment in fibre optics and associated electronics advances its plans for a statewide all-digital network .
13 It must also be said of Poland that its society has been most resistant to Communist influence and , that of all East European countries , the gap between the state and its society has been greatest The LWP has not gone out of its way to act as the arbiter of events ; rather , it has had this role thrust upon it by Party factionalism and weakness .
14 That can also be said of Guleghina as Desdemona .
15 Ironically his death came within days of the Rebel organisation planning the purchase of an additional training yacht , which will also be based at Walton .
16 Something of this split may also be observed in Britain but to a lesser extent because of the collective responsibility of the Cabinet and party control of the assembly .
17 In addition to pottery , the core material from bronzes that have been cast using a clay core ( see p. 84 ) can also be tested by TL , since this ceramic material has normally been fired to a sufficiently high temperature to ‘ zero the TL clock ’ .
18 He can also be heard on Black Dyke 's latest compact discs , Broadway Brass and Slavonic Brass .
19 REM can also be heard on Nicky Campbell 's Radio 1 show between 10pm and 12 midnight tonight ( Wednesday ) .
20 However , credit must also be given to Saya Yá2wshu ( Saya means teacher ) , the seconded catechist , who for my first year followed me like a shadow , to enlarge my vocabulary and lengthen my conversations and sermons .
21 The first of these can be demonstrated at several sites where a religious element appears to predominate at the core ; besides Harlow , with its ditched temenos , central precincts can also be seen at Irchester , Springhead and Wycomb , while much the same level of importance may originally have attached to the enclosure at Frilford .
22 Drawings and small-scale sculptures by Quentin can also be seen at Galerie B. Until 9 May , Samia Saouma is showing scenic constructions photographed by Olivier Richon ; the sumptuous atmospheres he creates are ambiguous , pregnant with allusions to the iconography of ages past .
23 Karsten Schubert is mounting a retrospective exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Victor Willing ( 19 November-19 December ) , which will also be seen at Richard Salmon 's studio in South Edwardes Square .
24 Change and complexity in village plans and settlement development can also be seen in Norfolk from the research of Peter Wade-Martins .
25 A fall in urban rent values can also be seen in Oxford , although the evidence cited is less comprehensive than that for York , and the most drastic fall seems to have come in the second half of the fifteenth century after a period of relative stability .
26 Organised by Philip Conisbee of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , it will also be seen in Los Angeles ( opening in spring 1995 ) and a second American venue currently under discussion .
27 This can also be seen in Bentley Drummle who has the upbringing and background of a gentleman but is far from one .
28 In a development which can also be seen in Zimbabwe , inflationary pressures have been greater for low-income urban households than for those with high incomes .
29 The display will also be seen in Shetland , where MacDiarmid lived during the thirties .
30 As can be seen from Fig. 7 , this slope can also be written as ΔI/ΔY .
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