Example sentences of "also [vb pp] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The goal of the group , according to Tim Newell of OSTP , is to propose specific ways to carry out the president 's technology initiative announced in February , but the group is also expected to make recommendations for programmes to be included in the budget for fiscal year 1995 that will be submitted to Congress next winter .
2 The unfortunate turn of events also threatened to disrupt plans for the Hamon Building , a 140,000-square-foot three storey annex slated for unveiling within less than a year .
3 Recruitment pheromones are not confined to the exploitation of food : they are also used to recruit armies for territorial disputes , or ( in certain species ) for slave raids .
4 Arrays of this kind were also used to raise men for the campaigns in France in the 1340s , and the crown 's failure to observe in every instance the legislation of 1327 led to renewed complaints from the commons about the burden borne by the local communities in providing wages and equipment for the troops .
5 It has also helped write rules for community cable access and worked to ensure that the poor are not cut off from the benefits of new telephone technologies .
6 In the meantime , the transport ministers also agreed to harmonise standards for air traffic control equipment to try and cut down the delays at EC airports .
7 He was also recruited to produce drawings for wood-engravings for the Zoo 's own visitors ' guidebook entitled The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated .
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