Example sentences of "also [be] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had also been exploited by the re-election campaign team of President Bush , which had sought to portray the Democrat majority in Congress as responsible for sabotaging the Republican administration 's domestic policy initiatives .
2 The island had also been visited by the young James Boswell , as his journal of 1765 records ; but a more likely source of inspiration was Edward Lear 's Journal of a Landscape Painter in which he , too , records a visit to Corsica .
3 The firm had also been asked by the Bank to make a s 41 report and was trying to finalise the 1990 accounts , which had been delayed by the lack of access to ICIC .
4 It has also been hit by the lack of new products to draw shoppers into its stores and the failure of satellite TV to take off as hoped .
5 Book Tokens ' income had also been hit by the reduction in interest rates .
6 But by March 1951 , it was clear that even this reform did not satisfy the Irish hierarchy who had also been lobbied by the Irish Medical Association to oppose the scheme .
7 Considerable opposition to one-party rule had also been registered by the churches , the trade union movement and students , as well as by the opposition parties .
8 Trade union strength has also been curtailed by the rise in unemployment and the consequent fall in the number of trade unionists .
9 And the reality of escalating costs had also been blurred by the way in which the nuclear accounts had been publicly presented .
10 Apart from their undoubted strengths in these matters , the Germans have also been motivated by the belief that Germany 's ( and Europe 's ) disunity was an unnatural state which had not existed in the past .
11 Other sources claimed that 10 members of the ruling Ba'ath party had also been killed by the demonstrators .
12 It had also been cut by a culvert originally containing a wooden box drain , which might be connected with the provision of the sandstone-lined drains further east .
13 Growing congressional concern over the matter had also been demonstrated by the decision of the Senate armed services committee to block promotion for more than 4,500 Navy and Marine Corps officers until information was forthcoming on whether or not they had been involved in the assaults .
14 At Mr Barnes ' request further inquiries into the case have also been made by the Irish Garda .
15 No doubt considerable generalisations have also been made by the French but the division into more zones ( each with different financial incentives ) gives one a greater sense of confidence that care has gone into linking agricultural supports to real variations in handicap .
16 Claims have also been made by the inhabitants of protected territories in domestic courts .
17 He had also been struck by a streak of ruthlessness in the boy which , he thought , ought not to have surprised him since he knew that , as with all good detectives , it must be present .
18 A post mortem showed he had been hit by five bullets and had also been struck by a number of shotgun pellets .
19 The messianic streak in the Communist and Great Russian makeup has also been reinforced by the USSR 's ordeal and its triumph .
20 As we have already seen in the previous chapter , this conflict has also been reinforced by the social changes which have occurred in rural areas , so that disputes concerning environmental preservation often coincide with local — newcomer , rural — urban , and agricultural — industrial divisions in the rural population .
21 None of this makes any sense because one of Blake 's fellow prisoners in D block of Wormwood Scrubs was the Russian spy Gordon Lonsdale ( whose real name was Konon Molody ) , a key figure in the Portland spy ring who , ironically , had also been exposed by the defector Goleniewski .
22 Hopes of attracting institutional cash have also been raised by a law limiting the proportion of assets that pension funds and insurance companies can hold in land , but increasing what they can hold in shares from 30% to 50% .
23 The Council Tax administration numbers have also been increased by a further 10% to deal with those administrative matters currently dealt with within the Community Charge Control Section , as the items should really be dealt with within the teams to provide a comprehensive service to taxpayers .
24 This financial independence has also been increased by the extension of asset ownership among elderly people .
25 Nevertheless , Saddam has also been inspired by the historical rivalry between the Ba'ath and the pro-Nasser movement .
26 It has also been affected by the pattern of investment in the industry .
27 He had been installed in the Elysée palace , designated as the official residence of the Head of State since the Tuileries palace was not only associated with the departed monarchy but had also been sacked by a group of insurgents during the February revolution .
28 Thromboxane A 2 formation has also been assessed by the measurement of thromboxane B 2 by radioimmunoassay .
29 Exemption from first level examinations has also been granted by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants , and the Institute of Accounting Technicians in Ireland .
30 Serious doubts about the integrity of the electoral system had also been expressed by the Guyana Human Rights Association ( GHRA ) and the United States Congress , which in October had voted to withhold US$600,000 in economic aid pending evidence of electoral reform .
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