Example sentences of "also [verb] at [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er , we also announced at the same time as the Alton , er , Towers acquisition that Longman had acquired Rank Training for eleven and a half million pounds .
2 A small amount of intra-crystalline porosity was also formed at the same time by corrosion and removal of the centres of some dolomite crystals ( Fig. 10 ) .
3 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
4 Erm , he did have the right to that trial for erm what the previous offence before taking conveyance which was a clock taken without the owner 's consent and previous offence before that taking but in order to reduce costs right mainly because they also want at the same time to remove the right for theft ah and they failed .
5 But erm Policy E two was also deleted at the same time .
6 Not just meeting the right person at the right time but also developing at the same pace so that you both have the same needs and expectations from life at roughly the same time .
7 This problem is amplified if other financial instruments also expire at the same time .
8 Such damage normally involves earth retaining walls but unless the private residence is also damaged at the same time , there would be no cover for the damage to the wall under this section of the policy .
9 Edward I was also summoned at the same time , as duke of Aquitaine , ‘ to reply to us concerning the homage of Armagnac and Fézensac ’ , Auvillars , Lomagne and Lectoure , in a peremptory letter from Philip the Fair ( December 1293 ) .
10 July the first more members er in , in , in local authorities than er than we 've got in the whole of our union right and we 've got twenty five per cent of our membership in , in local authorities and we 're getting hammered and we 're also getting at the same time privatization , we 're seeing local authorities being broken up and we 're seeing a creation of large numbers of employers .
11 It was also announced at the same time that Ong Teng Cheong , the other Deputy Prime Minister , was suffering from cancer .
12 If the money supply is not also falling at the same rate , interest rates will fall and so encourage new investment .
13 Samples of stream waters and heavy mineral concentrates are also taken at the same sites .
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