Example sentences of "also [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are also angling for control of the Careers Advisory Service .
2 HEV also differs with HAV in the increased frequency with which infection is observed in adults compared with children .
3 Architecture also differs from language in its strict observation of its own rules and conventions , and in its sense of detail .
4 But one can also think of style as manner irrespective of such external connections , by identifying distinctive patterns of language use in a text simply as a means of differentiating it from other texts , on the general assumption that such distinctive patterns must be a part of the text 's overall effect .
5 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
6 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
7 Figures are also given for traffic on the Tring Summit , as a comparison with Foxton .
8 Clarification was also given in relation to sub-sale arrangements where A sells land to B who in turn sells it to C with the transfer of title being completed by a single conveyance from A to C. The Stamp Office confirmed that where s 58(4) , Stamp Act 1891 applies , such that duty is payable only on the consideration paid by C , only that amount will be VAT-inclusive .
9 A predominance of occupational unions leads to highly fragmented unionism and ideological and religious divisions also make for duplication of union organisation , thereby weakening bargaining potential and often making for difficulties in promoting effective representation of workers in individual establishments .
10 Turquoise also met with appreciation in the New World .
11 The first draft also met with opposition at an EC Foreign Ministers ' meeting on June 17 when the United Kingdom , supported by Denmark and Portugal , called for the removal of a phrase in the preamble describing the treaty as " a new stage in the gradual process leading to a union with a federal goal " .
12 James also met with opposition from Tory magistrates .
13 The clearest sign of puberty is ejaculation or emission , and glandular secretions also account for growth of the penis , growth of hair on the face and body , and the deepening of the voice .
14 That this should be a political force is also explained in part by Qaddafi 's rhetoric of individual autonomy and the social factor .
15 Miyazawa 's recent calls for a period of renewed economic growth in Japan and for a cut in Japanese interest rates ( implying a weakening of the yen and a growth in the trade surplus ) were also received with concern in the USA .
16 The Binary Condensed Algorithm number , which is used throughout the financial world , is also received by facsimile from Belgacom , Gilmont said .
17 I 've also fallen in love with the stereo .
18 In the decentralizing of money management , ambiguities also arose in connection with buildings ( where were the dividing lines between repairs , maintenance and improvements ? ) and in personnel ( did governors have a different responsibility for teachers in contrast to non-teachers ? ) .
19 It attracted considerable public attention and was also regarded as proof in certain circles that many elements in the society of Northern Ireland whose ultimate political purposes differed in very marked degree could cooperate in peaceful and lawful demonstration in favour of certain common and limited objectives .
20 By the same token , positive heroes are also regarded with scepticism by Lukacs .
21 The code is assembled using the program counter ( P% ) to calculate the instruction addresses and the code is also placed in memory at the address specified by the program counter .
22 He also lived at Bridge of Weir , and on his way home through Paisley , late at night , he stopped on the old bridge .
23 Staff whose employment is recognized as being temporary are also debarred from membership of any occupational pension schemes their employer operates , most of which are open only to workers who had satisfied a minimum service requirement — usually one year or more .
24 The life of this normally gentle giant of a man was also punctuated from time to time by acts of sudden , often inexplicable , violence , usually associated with an over-generous intake of alcohol .
25 The six-point joint statement also agreed on co-operation in shipping , communications , scientific surveys , and combating piracy and drug trafficking .
26 The meeting also agreed in principle on the need for member countries to establish , ideally by the end of the year , medium-term strategies to align the economic performance of EC member countries .
27 EC Transport Ministers also agreed in principle on June 20-21 , 1991 , to introduce from 1996 a standardized driving test and driving licence for all EC member states .
28 One merely has to read its wording to see that it can not be given any sensible meaning in a context such as the present , where the mind and will of the defendants are also treated in law as the mind and will of ‘ the other . ’
29 A change of identity was also mooted in view of the fact that in BR livery the numbers and names were merely painted on these locomotives .
30 You also got into trouble about the press did n't you ?
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