Example sentences of "also [verb] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 You will then also need to drill the same contrast in all other positions in which it occurs .
2 They will also need to take the same long-term view .
3 The Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent is also expected to have a few tricks up its sleeve for this week 's roll-out .
4 The professional clairvoyant also has to ignore the many scriptural bans on fortune-telling ( 1 Samuel 28:3 ; 2 Kings 21:6 ; Isaiah 8:19,20 ; Daniel 2:2 and others ) .
5 And we have also done introduced the same working methods er as you can find er outside in the private industry .
6 Women 's sub also happened to say the same thing .
7 I 'd also like to add a few inverts , largely anemones for the Clown fish .
8 The underlying attitude is perhaps that most people accept mentally handicapped people and are sympathetic towards them , but remain inwardly glad that it has not happened to them or to their children — ‘ there but for the grace of God , go I. ’ They also continue to believe the many myths surrounding the handicapped which have been passed on for decades .
9 Ironically , Cadillac also started building the same engines soon after Leland started Lincoln .
10 If the table of the guitar has ‘ bellied out ’ you may also have to shave a few millimetres off the bottom of the saddle to achieve a lower playing action .
11 A few days before the broadcast I had been counselling one man in his early twenties who would also have issued the same warning .
12 It will also have learned a few lessons in how not to go about setting up a business .
13 Local tradition may indicate where cottages stood until recently , but the fieldworker should be aware that much earlier structures may also have occupied the same sites .
14 He had also engaged to do the same thing for Chief Superintendent John Coffin and one or two other enemies if he could get round to them , but he had let Place know that he had a prior claim .
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