Example sentences of "just at [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
2 Just at a time when the Copts were especially sensitive .
3 I was particularly impressed by the way you managed to organise all the available services so efficiently — just at the time when we were beginning to wonder how we 'd manage . ’
4 To break up the Union now would diminish our influence for good in the world , just at the time when it is most needed .
5 So just at the time when that first vital relationship between parent and child is in its most tenuous stages ‘ external tensions and difficulties are most likely to take their toll and may cause the baby to become fractious and the parent to be over-tired and irritable .
6 The success of Alain Aspect 's team in confirming experimentally one of the more subtle predictions of the theory ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 17 ) came just at the time when , in an echo of the great days of J. G. Crowther , The Guardian published Terry Clark 's report of an experiment in which a macroscopic object can be made to behave , in some respects , like a single quantum ‘ particle ’ , and when these weighty tomes arrived for review .
7 Unless parents are on their guard , they may often give the impression that they have withdrawn love and acceptance , just at the time when both are most needed .
8 Moreover , just at the time when the tape medium is losing its prime hold on the marketplace , the manufacturing technology has been vastly improved so that the best cassettes can now give aural satisfaction , even on the most demanding domestic equipment .
9 In accountancy , for example , by the time you 've done your training and spent some years establishing yourself , you then have your children just at the time when you 're supposed to be going all out for partnership .
10 He wrote just at the time when English was becoming an established literary language and with a felicity which later caused most of his translation — perhaps 75 per cent — to be retained in the King James Bible , the authorised version for 300 years .
11 It happened just at the time when the Tuscan peasants were abandoning their land to go and work in the factories .
12 Mr Rikanovic almost certainly knew nothing about Swiss law , by which anyone holding an item publicly for three years without judgment against him acquires title , but it is interesting that the visit occurred just at the time when Lord Northampton sought to have the ownership dispute heard by the Swiss courts .
13 There was thus a real danger , not of impoverishment , but of the closing of the gap between princes and other lesser lords , just at the time when display and liberality were increasingly important elements in princely political armouries .
14 The reductions in university places , just at the time when girls are beginning to gain something like equal access , may have the effect of decreasing the absolute numbers of girls in universities even if they manage to catch up with boys proportionally .
15 For the first time population could increase with a declining grain price and a less than commensurate food output , subsisting on grain imports paid for by manufactures ; ‘ It is one of the most striking ironies of intellectual history that Malthus should have fashioned his analysis just at the time when it was about to cease to be applicable to the country in which he lived ’ ( Wrigley 1986 ) .
16 Just at the time when , in Rome , Pope Alexander III was preparing to canonize Thomas Becket it seemed that the prestige of Becket 's old opponent was reaching still greater heights .
17 The army which set out to recover Berwick from the Scots in July 1319 was some 14,000 strong , but it ended with a humiliating retreat and flight into England ; undoubtedly the Scottish outflanking movement which penetrated deep into England was the major contributor to this disaster , but acrimony between Lancaster and Edward may have helped bring it about and was certainly magnified by it , so that afterwards the relations of the two men rapidly deteriorated just at the time when Despenser the younger was antagonizing other magnates as well .
18 It should come as no surprise that just at the time when manufacturers were becoming cautious in their claims about what their creams could do , a pharmaceutical superstar in the form of Retin-A burst into the firmament .
19 Staying in hospital can be a traumatic experience for young children — as well as having to cope with strange hospital routines or unpleasant treatments , they may also be offered unfamiliar foods just at the time when their appetites are likely to be poor and they need encouragement to eat a healthy , balanced diet .
20 It could also tie up members of the C E C , the General Secretary , the Regional Secretary , the President , Officers and many others in internal wrangles new union just at the time when we need to look outward in the next two or three years .
21 She 'd progressed from a rather lowly start to her present place on the team with IMP just at the time when the true importance of the fuel companies and their technicians was beginning to be appreciated by the general public , or at least those aficionados who followed the world of Grand Prix racing .
22 Just at the time when they should have been giving most to each other , he had turned away from her , and in its way that had been almost as painful as the loss of her mother .
23 Yes er somehow they , they 'd , they 'd got it , or was it or did I have to fill in a a census form just at the time when Paul was with me ?
24 Just at the time when people need advice , what 's happened , the Council have closed it down .
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