Example sentences of "just as it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The extreme flexibility of the Course allows part-time students to change later to a full-time mode , just as it allows full-timers to drop down to part-time study .
2 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
3 Just as it costs peanuts to get oil out of a hole in the ground , it costs peanuts to put rubbish into one — so long as the oil , or the space , lasts .
4 Selection favoured beaver genes that made good lakes for transporting trees , just as it favoured genes that made good teeth for felling them .
5 Visitors to Bowes can see the Silver Swan go through its ‘ elaborate motions ’ twice a day as 12.30pm and 4pm , just as it impressed Mark Twain more than a century ago .
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