Example sentences of "just [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't just pour it in one place .
2 Er it 's a fifty percent uptake but it co and he says , Do n't you can ch you can just do it for six months of the Year .
3 And instead of having a few puffs and , and saving and throwing two dog ends away you did n't see that , they 'd just break it in half and have half each .
4 In fact it might just finish him for good ! ’
5 I got a bit left over from when I cut it I 'll just bring it in this bit , there .
6 ‘ We have a good working relationship ; let's just keep it at that , shall we ?
7 Surely they 've been for the last four years and they must or do they just keep it at eighty one then they go to ninety ?
8 You could just see them at low water and er that was one of the danger points but I 've never seen ships coming close to Skerrymor at all .
9 He could just see it in that box bedroom in Hill View Close , its eyes full of light like some weird toy .
10 Well I think we 've had this one before , John , have n't we ? would you care to just enlighten me on this one ?
11 President , Congress , Conference I know we will all welcome all the pressure that we can be brought to this government and its pursuit of policies if that 's the right world , policies that do n't have a direction would just have them from one crisis to another .
12 where we can just have it on all the time .
13 I 'd rather just have you on one preparation and then we see what happens .
14 But at the end of the discussions between the project coordinator and the client , when you have actually helped him and led along , you could have this , or you could have that , or perhaps we could just take it to this stage , cost some options out and give you a recommendation .
15 or for any You ca n't just take it from any time ?
16 Can you actually just take us through those er on one of you slides you had a thing , net savings
17 Could I just correct you on that , I think it was acknowledged by this vote , er for transport plan settlement .
18 You ca n't just leave her like that and wait .
19 ‘ If there 's any problems we do n't just leave it to one member of staff , we try to sort it out together .
20 So , for the moment , we 'll just leave it at that shall we ? ’
21 ‘ Do n't worry about me , ’ he 'd said , but then he could n't just leave it at that and so he 'd added , ‘ Will you be all right ? ’
22 ‘ Then let's just leave it at that , and clear away these dishes . ’
23 Lisa 's publicity manager Jacqueline Keeley said : ‘ It was a fun day — let's just leave it at that . ’
24 He could n't just leave it like that .
25 ‘ Why do n't you just leave it like that ?
26 But as I am reflecting now , let me just leave you with this thought about morale .
27 Now of what we 've been doing today with fractions was there any of it that you 're not quite sure of and you think , But could you just tell me about that bit again .
28 I 'll just tell you about this Can I just tell you about this just for a minute ?
29 I 'll just tell you about this Can I just tell you about this just for a minute ?
30 We could just change them into sixths .
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