Example sentences of "just [vb base] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We did n't have much to do , just sit at a table or something , and when it 's over I go outside and sit in the car , and Peckinpah comes out and gives me this look .
2 Just look at a swan landing on water , a whale leaping out of the water , or a child playing on the beach — such beauty just in the movements .
3 The experiments are not particularly relevant to anything , they 're just experiments for experiment 's sake , one experiment illustrating a particular bit of theory ; it does n't do anything particularly useful , you just look at an oscilloscope and take some readings and hence you can demonstrate this bit of theory .
4 Just look at the evidence .
5 Just look at the state of this room .
6 Just look at the state of the floor and those windows .
7 Okay if it 's any help just look at the opening
8 Well I mean just look at the map you 're you 're going to and then you 're going to .
9 just look at the book.You have the wier , the new iron bridge , Church Cottage in Pangbourne , even a monument with a book on it
10 Just look at the way that fashion 's going .
11 However , just look at the way that refereeing has influenced certain facets of the international game .
12 Can I say about them er now that one , that is clearly Fred , erm , you know just look at the way he does that proof , erm , oh well now , that one , that 's clearly Ned , erm that 's the way Ned does a proof .
13 It worked too — just look at the way you were on stage tonight ! ’
14 and again , just look at the work you know .
15 And I 'm not the one with all the money — just look at the pile that Colin Appleby 's got .
16 Just look at the brilliance of that yellow forsythia — and did you ever see such a border of anemones ? ’
17 Just look at the success that German Shepherd breeders had when they methodically examined their breeding stock and bred from those with the best hips .
18 Some are completely on another plateau , you know , they 're just not in the real world ; they wander round and do n't make eye-contact unless they 're talking to you ; they just look at the ceiling all the time when they 're lecturing .
19 Eating Out : Plenty of places in all price ranges — just look at the menu displayed and take your pick .
20 I really liked both of these guitars and would urge anyone to try one , but I 've saved the best news until last : just look at the prices
21 All she 'd done was to try and help Travis a little at a very bad time in his life , and just look at the aggravation she was getting for her trouble !
22 Just look at the T V hype on sanitary protection , especially tampons and see who it is aimed at .
23 And just look at the problems which had faced poor Candide .
24 So whether it means add or take away or subtract or negative we can sort of forget about it and just look at the signs so if get if we get take away plus three , that will be the same as take away plus three , yeah ?
25 I just look , I just look at the shelves and I look to see what they 've got and
26 Just look at the record in the last two years alone .
27 Just look at the leaf colour all along the bank there … ’
28 All day long you will work and you will slave , Allowing wheelchairs to go where you pave , Just look at the kids to keep tiredness at bay , Because for them you are making it a better day .
29 They just look at the report in the paper and say how on earth was this man fined fifty pounds for this offence .
30 Howard Rosenberg , TV critic of the Los Angeles Times , said : ‘ Just look at the re-runs of the old western series .
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